Sunday, January 18, 2009

Home Again

Breakfast at Grandma's, such a nice way to start the day! We got up bright and early because some of our little friends had their birthday party this afternoon; we needed to get moving. After a quick bite and a little snow play, we were off. Like usual ER couldn't go directly to the car, she immediately stomped through the snow drifts on the porch, put her mitten into piles on the side of the driveway, and started a snowball fight with Daddy. There's nothing like a child to put a smile on your face!
Thanks for the comments and emails expressing concern and thankfulness that we're okay! In the grand scheme of things it was a minor accident with just the back end damaged. The drive home was slow going and we did see a truck spin out ahead of us, luckily almost everyone slowed down and there wasn't yet another accident. But wouldn't you know, in the left lane there were still impatient drivers, probably annoyed we'd come to a stand still trying to zoom around. People like that should stay home and not endanger everyone else. I know we're a society of cell phones, but when your car is skidding around the corner maybe it's time to hang up. We saw more than one driver weaving, who was on the phone. We also saw a multi-car accident with the cars banged up quite a bit more than ours, so yet another reason to be thankful for our outcome. We've decided it was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, because that woman was going to hit whoever was in front of her; it just happened to be us.
As far as ER is concerned this weekend was great fun: made brownies with Grandma on Saturday, ate them with ice cream, jumped around in the snow today, played with friends at the birthday party, and got to eat a big cupcake with pink frosting.


  1. That second photo is awesome! She is really cute!

  2. ER is such a cutie all wrapped up!! I am so glad we reaaly didn't have to drive anywhere, just acouple of block. Drivers are scary. Wasn't a fan of driving, still not. But, I have no choice.

    I also have an award for you. Check it out when you have time:)

  3. hi katie! your daughter is too cute! thanks for commenting on my "spring shopping post". i agree that old navy has gotten pretty trendy and i have bought a couple things from there that ended up being very flimsy! its still my weakness though- there and TARGET!!

    so you are a kdg. teacher?? that is GREAT; that is also my dream too. i will have my BA in Elem. Educ. with a Kdg. endorsement hopefully in around 3 years. i hope to land a teaching job right around the time my youngest goes off to kdg. himself!

    keep in touch!!


  4. What a cutie you have!!!

    Thanks for the support today!


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