Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hi Everyone!!! I am so excited today!!! I can't stop with the !!!, so can you tell? I wanted everyone to know that I am featured at Little Window Shoppe and it's my very first guest post. Emily, who's the founder and editor also said the nicest things about me and I am truely so honored and happy. I feel like I need to celebrate for sure! Please stop by to see the feature: Make Keepsakes from Your Old Baby Board Books. See the original post here.

And while you're at the Little Window Shoppe be sure to look around at all the great finds that Emily has found! There's a little bit of everything on the site from yummy looking recipes, easy to make crafts, the best giveaways, and a great collection of store featuring the cutest of cute. And did I mention how bright and cheerful the site's design is? I love visiting!


  1. That is great. I am so proud of you. I have not been asked to do a guest post so just one more way that your blog is better than mine.

    "Curses, I would have gotten away with it if it had not been for the meddling kid and 2 pesky cats."


  2. good job for you girl! those books are cute! so sweet of your hubby to leave you comments!! i am doing the taco bake tonite; so please pray that the boys eat it!! LOL


  3. Oh how cool. Congrats to you!! I am gonna check it out!

    Also, I did the Valentine cards. It was fun. I bookmark it for later stuff.

    Thanks for showing th link:)

  4. Yeah! Way to go! I loved that idea when I saw it on your blog. Nice work!

  5. Congrats on your guest post! Great job!

    Thanks for stopping by my featured SITS blog today! Your little girl is adorable! Love your blog too - be back to visit!

  6. Congratulations, Katie! What a great idea- using board books!

    Now, you have to tell me how you make those smiley faces in *your* posts! :>

    Hey, you can never have too many
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  7. Awww, everyone says the sweetest things! Thank you so much for the bloggy love!

  8. Good grief CONGRATS again! How exciting!!

  9. Wooot!
    I have made these before and they are sooo fun. I love the possibility of texture. They are great for g-parents.


Thank you for visiting my blog, I really appreciate your taking the time to stop by. I love reading all your comments and meeting new friends.