Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our Weekend

So here's what Brad's been doing to keep in shape. He shoveled twice on Saturday and again this morning. We've been having indoor fun, playing ER's new favorite game, picnics at the top of our stairs. We have to lug all her play dishes and wooden food up to feast with her and her babies.

I just love the wooden Haba food my parents' started her play food collection with. A good place to see it online and one of my favorite toy websites is Oompa, but one word of caution. It's super cute but little. The tins with food are especially sweet, but some of the contents of the various types are extremely little. ER has the pineapple slices, hot dogs, zwieback toast which are fine but ones like the candies are choking hazards.

I also want to point out, that for once I was ahead of the curve. We got her the Green Toys cookware and dining play set seen in the picture below, that's partially made up of recycled milk jugs before Potterybarn Kids started carrying them. Hmmm...maybe I am a cool mom...but probably not! Note to my mom: Brad's managed to get her to move the picnics to the in front of her room instead of right by the steep flight of stairs.


  1. Awe, that is so cute. I remember when I was little playing near the top of the stairs. What is it about stairs?!

    We got hit with a lot of snow too. But since it happened on Saturday, there is still school tomorrow. Bummer.

  2. Katie, I have an award for you on my blog. Please check it out when you have time.


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