Saturday, January 31, 2009

Too Many Babies

I remember how we were so careful when she was a newborn and wouldn't put anything in the crib with her, as the book experts and our pediatrician had told us that they were smothering hazards. All the adorable baby quilts, pillows, and other snugglies were carefully removed when we lay her down. We've certainly come a long way from those days!

Now she's all about her babies, and she has a ton. These aren't even nearly all of them. At bedtime we find ourselves trying to bargain with her as we attempt to move some from the bed to her shelves. Each time we try, she gets all panicky. "I need her, I NEED her. I need baby," she'll insist. Today at nap time, Brad had actually done a good job removing them, and had a stern talk with her about how we don't get out of bed until Mommy or Daddy come and get us.

This is what I saw when I came in to get her up, so much for that talk! They're all back in, can't believe there was room for her too.


  1. Haha! I'm the same way, my bed at my parent's house is overrun with elephants, I barely have any room. But just like your daughter, I neeeeed them!!! :) As long as she's happy I guess!

    Here at school though, I was given a strict limit of three. You have no idea how hard it was to only choose three elephants to come to school with me. I don't care that I'm "grown up" and an "adult". Whatever, I need my lovies too!

  2. I had to smile when I saw this! I thought my daughter has many babies. It doesn't seem so many to me any more after seeing this picture. :-) But the "discussion" before bedtime is definitely similar! None of the babies are allowed to go on the shelf - they all HAVE to stay in bed with her ...

  3. That is too cute! I remember putting all of my suffed animals around me when I was little.


  4. oh, that is funny! gavin had half of his bed lined with cats a couple years ago!! kids are so cooky and cute! i finally posted my good news!

  5. Are you telling me, she got out of her crib and put them back in? Hilarious! My older daughter does this and she is on the top bunk.

    ER is so cute! I love how her patches on her pants match her shirt:) Did you do that?

  6. Oh, that is adorable! So glad you captured the moment! Congrats to you on being on tip junkie...I saw that pillow and thought it was so cute, didn't know it was yours! It really was a great idea. Happy Monday!

  7. What a cute picture and story! I think I used to have a collection of animal babies that I couldn't part with and now my 2 yr old has three that he sleeps with too.

  8. Oh that sweet kid. I love these photos!

  9. the photos are soo cute!!! :) congrats for capturing that cute moment and posting it on your blog :)

  10. That is so sweet!! With our son, it's his books and choochoos!! :)


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