Saturday, February 14, 2009

I ♥ You

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is the "big" present I made ER for Valentine's Day. It's a felt name pillowcase, but since my husband does not want me to put her name out there, I decided a festive message was in order so I could share it with my blogging buddies. I'll have to go in and change the button placement eventually, but I like it this way too. It's not pink, so it'll stand out on the pink rocking chair it'll sit on in her room.

This is another project from good ol' Martha Stewart. I really like the idea of ER being able to practice fine motor skills by buttoning on and taking off the letters. Cause you know me, if it can be educational I'm all over it☺ I may have to take their suggestion and make all the letters and put them in a pouch you can slip in the back for storage, so we can use them to learn letters too. Even if you aren't going to make the pillowcase you might want to download the letter templates, I like how big and chunky they are. They'd be cute on a bunch of different projects.

I hope you and your honey(s) have a happy Valentine's Day! Me and DH are looking forward to some baby free time tomorrow. Since it's on a weekend we actually get to go out together ON Valentine's Day. My parents are going to watch ER, and Brad is going to take me out for pizza. I know, you're all thinking...PIZZA?! not romantic, but don't worry it's what I wanted to do, I picked the restaurant☺


  1. Very cute pillow! I bet ER is having fun with the little buttons and letters.
    And...CONGRATS on another pretty thing!
    I think I may have to try the bracelets for AnneHope's b'day party favors!

  2. how sweet! you are so crafty!!! hope you all have a lovely ♥ day today:)

  3. I seriously don't know how you have the time to do all these great projects AND tell everyone in blogland how to do a lot of them. I'm impressed. I have your button heart pillow bookmarked... am thinking about getting to that one of these days! Also, I love the felt bracelets. Actually, I'm a little ticked at you for adding things to my "must do" list. ;-)

  4. That is so cool! The letters come off!

    How do you do creative and all?! Give me some of that motivation!

  5. Katie, what a clever idea!! I love it!

  6. You are always so creative! Thanks for all your neat posts!


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