Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's Raining It's Pouring...I Bumped My Everything and Went to Bed...

Well everyone, I'm just ducking in quick to let ya'll know I slipped on my stairs while going down too fast in my socks. Ouch! My left food came right out from under me. I think I was suspended in air for a second like in the cartoons before I came crashing down. Slid on my back and rear with my leg tucked under me, three-fourths of the way down before I could grab the banister to stop myself. Luckily kiddo had gone down before me and was already at the bottom. I'm kinda banged up.

ER was more upset than me, and was crying hysterically wanting me to hold her and pick her up. I was like kid, I can barely walk and you want me to pick you up! So needless to say, if I don't get around to everyone tonight that's the reason! Good thing tomorrow's post is in the can and scheduled.


  1. oh my! hope you are ok?? your girl was just worried about you thats all! when i was pregnant with gage, i missed a step going downstairs and slipped down a couple; gavin did the same thing:) they just ♥ their mommies so much thats all!!

    p.s. so were you trying to "catch a rabbit" on the stairs??? hehe

  2. I hope you get to feeling better! I hate it when the stairs move like that and cause you to Everytime I get hurt my oldest gets real upset and then comes over and kisses it and makes it better! They worry about us too.
    Nite and i'll send prayers that you feel much better tommorrow with minimal bruising :)

  3. Oh Katie!!! I am so sorry! Ouch...that sounds totally and completely painful. Get well wishes flying through the computer at ya right now!

  4. Oh Katie! Sorry to hear about your fall! OUCH! I hope you are able to get up and around without too much pain today...

  5. Ouch! That does not sound good! I hope you can get some rest and feel better soon.

    I'll try to do my felt post soon so you can add it to your ABC 123 blog.

  6. Ouch! You poor thing. That does not sound good at all. I hope you were able to get some rest. Feel better soon.

  7. Yikes. I hope you are recovering well. So glad we don't have stairs in our house. I would be worried about doing the same thing. Get better soon.

  8. So sorry to hear of your fall. Take care and feel better soon!

  9. Oh my gosh. I am just reading this! Wow, a little scary.


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