Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'd Like to Thank the Academy...

It's a rainy overcast Wednesday, and all it makes me want to do is take a nap! I've been staying up late trying to get all my ABC & 123 giveaway winners' packages out and finishing up my Easter Swap for Noelle so that's probably adding to the strong desire to nap! I made three things for her and I can't wait til she gets her package so I can share them with you all!
My kiddo is busily scribbling on her double sided dry erase/chalkboard at the table next to me, so let's pass on some blog awards!
The first one, I had seen on a bunch of blogs for a long time and had a secret wish for someone to give it to me, mainly because I loved the colors and design of it: pink, aqua, and green I ♥ together. But one shouldn't be greedy so I patiently waited and now I'm lucky enough to have four fabulous women thing I deserve it!

Thanks Ladies!!! I appreciate it!
The second one is from Second Star to the Right and Straight Til Morning and is the I ♥ Your Blog award. Thank you, I'm so honored that you chose to me to pass your first blog award on to!

I'm supposed to share seven things I love for the first award:
  1. Reading scrapbook and craft magazines, preferably with a decadent hot coffee beverage in one hand
  2. Meeting my girlfriends for lunch and shopping
  3. Target
  4. Siteseeing all the cliched touristy spots on vaca
  5. Girltalk with my two and a half year old, aren't those toddler voices so sweet!
  6. Warm tropical beaches
  7. My family and friends, including all my blogging buddies!
For BOTH awards I am supposed to link and pass onto 7 blogs that inspire me:
Cathie Filian: I watch her show on DIY and love it!
Lollychops: she's doing Big Time Bunny Week right now and I love it, like I love everything she does!
Joy at Joy to the Blog: one of my local blogging buddies, who just opened her own Etsy shop and makes beautiful collages
Dollar Store Crafts: cheap craftin', I'm in!
Molly Chicken: whimsical sewing creations, check out her Love Bird tutorial.
Janniepie Crafts: love that she made her craft desk.
Inspired Company: check out her free online craft "magazine" full of inspiration each month.

Thanks you again everyone! It's good to know that I manage to post on things other people are even remotely interested in!


  1. Thanks for the linky love Katie!


  2. I hope you don't mind... I featured your cute daffodil idea!

  3. Congrats on your awards!

    I am so tired too. I just want to go back to bed.

  4. Thank you for passing it along! Glad you got it!!!!

    I secretly have been wanting the I Love your blog one! LOL :)


Thank you for visiting my blog, I really appreciate your taking the time to stop by. I love reading all your comments and meeting new friends.