Sunday, March 1, 2009

Resolutions Revisited

Now that we're heading into the third month of the new year, I thought I should look over my 9 for 2009. I'm happy to report that I think I'm doing pretty darn good on most of them, not there yet of course but hey they're resolutions for the whole year!

The one that is most important to me is to exercise consistently and I'm still going in spurts, I was on track for January but then February came along and it got a little sporadic there. However, the last week or so I've had renewed commitment to this lifelong goal AND I'm really enthusiastic once more because I hit my first weight loss goal!!! Yay me, back to prepreggers weight. Now I just need to maintain it, cause I was at this weight after having ER but then put on a few, okay more like TEN more.

I think you all know from the recipe round-up posts that we're doing really well at the trying a new recipe a week and cooking more at home. We've only have one week where I think we ate out more than we should've, but hey those come up every once in a while. And for those of you who were wondering why the heck I post what we had for dinner AND were thinking I so don't care about what you ate...that's the reason why!

Learn basic sewing skills, I am still a work in progress but I HAVE already made more than three projects with my sewing machine so I'd say this one is well on it's way to being a success.

Okay now the bad news, I'm afraid my diet ice tea consumption is still up there along with my diet pop drinking. It just tastes so good, and before I had to start drinking diet drinks I'd never have thought I'd say that! When you're pretty much limited to water and water, you need a break!

Eat better snacks, also still a work in progress although the increased exercise has certainly counter balanced the Doritos intake. But I have been making some progress and have cut way back on mindless snacking and have been trying to eat something healthy like half an apple with some peanut butter at night with my medications. That way my tummy doesn't get as upset by them too.

My five minute journaling is going pretty well between it and my blog I think I've got a good record of our daily life. It's nice to have someplace to record the little things about ER, like that at our last playgroup my clingy little girl didn't sit on my lap for the very first time during circle time. She sat way on the other side of the circle by Miss. Nicole, sniff...sniff...

I've been posting our learning activities, so you all know I've been trying to do that kind of stuff more regularly.

Now the next one is the only one I can say, I've done nothing for...adding toning and stretching exercises, even though my very nice BIL and SIL who are a personal trainer and Pilate's instructor showed me some great ones. I promise to get to work on those right away.

The last one was to reflect on my progress on a monthly basis and to make changes as necessary, and I've been doing that one for sure. Actually I think about them all the time, and a lot of it goes into my blog even though it's not labeled as such. Posting on our cooking endeavors, learning fun, and daily life keeps them all in the forefront of my mind. This has been a great way to keep on track, I think I might actually make all nine this year!


  1. I love diet coke way too much. You know what I love is Yoga! I do it in the morning to start your day and I feel sooo good throughout the day. If I dont do it I feel sooo slugish!

  2. I'm proud of you! You are doing better than me. The only goal I have stuck with is being more frugal...but even then I struggle b/c I love to shop so much!!! But I have learned to love shopping for what we need rather than what we want and it feeds my craving.

  3. It sounds like you're doing good, Katie. You have some inspiring resolutions. Keep working and doing. Good luck!

  4. good for you!! this year i want to be a better person, and have a more positive outlook on things- i am pleased to report that i am doing well in that area. as far as the saving money and losing some weight part- NOT SO GOOD! i am just ready to get outside and walk; so the snow needs to go and maybe the flab will too then!! lol

    i have my swap posted; come on by and sign up, please!!!

    ♥ noelle

  5. Hey good job on getting to your prepreggo weight! What is wrong with drinking the diet drinks. No sugar right? my evil is the pop with the sugar. But I gave it up for lent with night snacking. I did this last year and lost 10 pounds. Hoping for the same results.

    Hey, did you get my email regarding cropping in March?

  6. WTG! Sounds like you are on a great kick off to this year! Stretching is hard to remember to keep up with. Once it is warmer I am much better at lying on the floor and doing them! It also helps to include my husband next to me so we are both loosened up. Good luck with keeping on track this year! :)


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