Monday, April 6, 2009

Just Another Beautiful Spring Day in Michigan

On our way to storytime at the library this morning, just when I thought it was safe to put away the winter gear! These are the days I miss living in CA the most!


  1. It is great packing snow for an end of the year snow man.

  2. Holy cow, you got more snow than we did. We maybe got 2 inches. Though it is still snow right now.

  3. Oh no, you got that much snow? I'm so sorry. We're getting some in Ohio tomorrow.
    For Jamison's tea, I'm just doing something simple since it'll just be her and two friends. Just PB&J cut outs and some Teddy Grahams. I'm just trying to figure out the table setting.

  4. April Fools??
    I guess that would be my response if I didn't know all too well the season in good ole' MI!

  5. Aw, poor Katie! snow in april is co cruel! Yup, good ole Michigan... But hey, I live in virginia and they're calling for snow, too! Well, it doesn't look like ER was too terribly let down, eh? ☺ ♥ Hang in there! True Spring will be there before long!

  6. That is exactly what our front walk looks like :( But you know it will melt eventually.

  7. We woke up to snow here in Indiana...not quite as much as you though!!! Where at in Michigan are you? I grew up in St Joseph dad still lives there but all of my family lives in MI...I have family in the Grand Rapids area and near Watervoliet/Coloma are too!

  8. wow, you guys got nailed!! yuck! she looks too cute though:)

    noelle ♥

  9. And to think my husband was just saying a couple of days ago that we should put away the winter coats. Ha! I knew my laziness would pay off someday! ;o)

  10. Oh my! I have been reading so much lately about how it's still snowing in some places!! I guess I probably shouldn't tell you how beautiful and warm the weather was today...but I will because it's rare!! I live in Oregon where there is a lot of rain. A LOT OF RAIN! :)

    Hope you're having a great start to your week!

  11. Hola! You got snow!!! I am so jealous right now. I want snow so bad but here we are with 80* weather.
    I do love being able to garden tho. I am so excited about my veggies! I watch them thinking I am going to be able to make them grow. lol.
    I would say send some of that snow my way...but then it would kill all my plants.

  12. I feel your pain Katie! We've got it here, too!


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