Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Storytime Art: Little Quack

This is our contribution to the kid's craft Jamboree hosted this month by Amanda over at one of my favorite children's activity blogs kiddio. I'm excited to find some fun and new spring themed activities, crafts, and recipes. You have until April 2 to head over and sign up!

After a long Michigan winter, I just love springtime when the first tulips and daffodils begin to peek through the ground. It makes me think of baby animals like chicks, lambs, and of course my ducklings. Some of our favorite springtime books feature an adorable little duck, Little Quack. Over the years I've ordered all of the books in the series by Lauren Thompson through Scholastic book orders.

The original book is about Mama duck encouraging her little ducklings to leave their nest and come out into the water with her. Along the bottom there are duck drawings that illustrate simple addition as each duckling joins the mama duck. The story's message is a good one; you can talk about addition, being brave, and trying new things when reading this book. The illustrations of Little Quack and his siblings also really draw the reader in.We made our own little pond scene inspired by the book's illustrations. Here she is working on adding the long grasses around the pond. As always, she relishes any opportunity to wield the glue bottle! It took her a very looonnnnggg time to place all the grass pieces. Seriously, I managed to eat my entire lunch in peace while she worked away, that's a minor miracle in and of itself.We made a handprint duck, I was a little too generous with the paint so the handprint didn't come out as clearly as I'd have liked, cut it out, and added Little Quack to the pond. She's really thrilled with and quite proud of how it came out, as she loves those books. I really liked the project because it gave her lots of gluing practice and was very high interest for her.

I am also sharing this post on: I Blame My Mother's Kid Friendly Friday and Ramblings of a Crazy Woman's Showcase Saturday. Check them out for kid's project ideas and add one of your own while you're at it!


  1. I LOVE the duck art! And I need to check out those books. Funny you mention IKEA because I just posted last night about an IKEA project I made. Also, I haven't visited in a while, but I loved all your recent posts, especially the pictures with the grandparents. So cute!

  2. I have never seen her kitchen before, its cute! We see some spring here today too. Mornigns and evenings are still winter though :(

  3. oh i love any craft that uses precious hand or foot prints:)

    noelle ♥

  4. Super cute! My toddlers will love this!

  5. Your daughter was really into this. How fun is that!!!

    Awesome idea. Thanks,


  6. What a cute little handprint duck...I love kid crafts with their handprints! I bet your daughter had so much fun gluing on all that grass, and I would have loved that much peace to enjoy my lunch! ;)

  7. LOL - taking a long time for the grass is REALLY nice :) Good handprint idea. I am going to cut up paper right now to place in a work box for this project. Thanks for linking to KFF...enjoy your weekend!

  8. I love this. I have it saved to do in my preschool class. It is an adorable project.

    Thanks for linking this, have a great weekend.

  9. that is so cute, Katie! I also love how it will keep the kids busy:)

  10. Katie, I love the things you do with your daughter! I also love Kiddio. Such a great collection of ideas!!



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