Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Easter 1 & 2

Easter 2007, in our apartment in New Mexico andlast year at our house, and yes that's the same dress. She didn't grow very much in between.

Join in: Go Graham Go, Five Minutes for Mom, and Seven Clown Circus.


  1. No two fisting the eggs during the first egg hunt.

  2. The above comment is from my husband, referencing that at her first egg hunt she picked up two eggs. One for each hand and then refused to let them go or get any more. We thought that was funny.

  3. Still cute as a button but God she was an adorable baby...its going by toooooooooo quick!!!!!

  4. She's absolutely lovely! I'm glad you got a twofer on the dress!

  5. She is so, so, so cute Katie. I LOVE that dress. Thank heavens you were able to get some major milage out of it...that never seems to happen with little ones!

  6. So cute! She has those squeeze me cheeks! By the way ER inspired our little craft today!

  7. Such a cutie! Love those cheeks!

  8. She is beautiful. I like her dress.

    She have three years old at this moment?

  9. Is she not just the cutest thing!! Love that she wore the same dress 2 years in a row.

    I just bought a dress on clearance at Target for Mikayla in hopes that it will fit her next year! ;)

  10. Looks like a wonderful Easter!

  11. She is such a cutie! How cool that she was able to wear the dress again. That is always a bonus!

  12. I know this is an old post but ER is so cute!

    We have the same Easter Basket, actually 2 of them and I recently transformed one of them for my son!!

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!


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