Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our Tricycle Chick

Now that the weather has warmed up ER has been out every day burning energy. It's taken awhile, but she's mastered using her Christmas gift from Grammy and Papa. It's her favorite activity and when we are on the community path she can really get up some speed.

This isn't the best video, but it's a special request from ER's Godmother all the way in Scottsdale whose been wanting to see our litte speed racer. So here you go, Alicia☺ She really is pedaling and steering all by herself. I must say the removable handle does come in handy, it's nice to able to grab on to her if she does start spinning out of control.

One of her favorite spots to ride is through the "forest"; which is really just the part of the path that has trees on both sides. Every time we go she asks in a hushed tone, "Mommy, we go to the forest," and giggles with excitement when I tell her we can.

The Kettler trike she has is really a nice bike, it come in girl colors and is very sturdy. We love the removable handle, which was a very nice feature when she started learning to ride her trike. When we're on long rides, it's great to be able to take over and push her along after she's gotten tired. Plus, the basket in the back is the perfect spot to keep a baby. Cause you know, we can't go anywhere without a baby or two!


  1. Hi Katie,
    Sweet video.

    Visiting from Mom Bloggers Club!

  2. Go ER! Go!
    Man, she petals fast!!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the Scottsdale division of We Love E.R. Inc!!!!!
    It was wonderful to see our C.E.O. in action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alicia, Liz, Watson, Irma & Gunther

  4. awesome! I liked hearing your voice :)

  5. Wow, she is really good on the trike! Adela has something similar, but I still have to push her, she is not ready, but that is okay:) That just means she is my baby for just a little bit longer.


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