Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Watering the Garden

Taken a few weeks ago at Grandma Norma's, while Brad and I were out celebrating his birthday, ER proves once again that she loves anything to do with water and particular watering plants. Bet she was thrilled to get her little hands on the actual hose. I personally find it a big hassle, which is probably why I have a brown thumb but she just loves it. Hope she still feels this way in ten or fifteen years so my garden will be lush and beautiful. Isn't it amazing what little kids like to do, mine especially loves acting out chores like ironing and dusting of all things!

Haven't done one of these for awhile, but my long time blog friend, who I've got big plans to met IRL soon, Noelle has inspired me to join in again. Thanks for stopping by, leave me a comment so I can be sure to visit you too. For more wordless or in some case word full Wednesdays: Five Minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, Ordinary and Awesome, and 7 Clown Circus, and don't forget to enter the two giveaways I've got going on. Links to them are at the top of this column.


  1. What a fabulous waterer. She does a nice job soaking the plants. I wish one of us did such a good job, maybe my plants would look better.

  2. Let's hope that her love for chores carries on into adulthood!

  3. How sweet is she? My kids LOVE to water the flowers with me.

  4. She is doing a great job. She is adorable!

  5. You're lucky to have such a good little helper. Andrew loves the vacuum and broom. No future wife will ever be able to say he doesn't know how to do anything around the house. Keep her interested in the garden and she'll be doing it all for you!

    Thanks for sharing your embarrassing moment in my comments!

  6. They love the hose don't they? She looks like she doing an excellent job!

  7. I hate watering the garden. Not much need for it, though, in this rainy summer we're having out here! Great having a little one who wants to do the job!

  8. I LOVE that picture! It captures the essence of summertime perfectly!

  9. My granddaughter and I draw straws to see who gets to water! She 9 now, and just loves it too! Our kids are precious! your blog is darling!

  10. My girls love to water. With Adela I fill a bucket with water and let her dunk her watering can so she can water the plants.

    The wanting to do chores is just a phase:( Both Michaela and Lindsey hate helping out. Right now Adela is the only one. But that will change in about a year:(

  11. Haha there are chores for everyone I think. Cute pic.


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