Friday, August 28, 2009

Aunt Cheri's Visit

Brad's Aunt Cheri and Uncle Bill used to live in the same state as us, but have retired down south for the milder winters. They tried to met ER for the first time when we lived in NM but because our move happened so quickly their scheduled visit happened shortly after ER and I had already moved to MI. They still got to visit with Brad that year, and on last year's trip back up to the Great Lake state ER met Aunt Cheri for the first time. Because of yet another scheduling quirk she didn't get to see our new home, as we were staying at my parents' house while Brad was on a business trip.

This year she finally got to see us in our own home and see how we've settled in. We spent the afternoon visiting, playing, and having dinner together. Like usual, ER had the perfect outfit to wear, in this case, the birthday outfit Aunt Cheri made for her, accessorize in typical ER fashion with a pink tiara.

Aunt Cheri is a former kindergarten teacher, and arrived with a great book for ER. The Napping House was one of our favorites to check out from the library; I even did a whole week long theme around it when I taught. We're glad to have our own copy now. Maybe I'll have to finally get around to recreating the theme with ER in the fall to share with you.


  1. Glad Aunt Cheri was finally able to see ER and the house on the same trip this time. Love that she brought a book...sounds just like a teacher!

  2. Glad the schedule worked out this time!

    Fall theme crafts...Yeah!! Get me in the mood. I used to love fall but since the kids are starting school I no longer look forward to it. Just another sign my babies are no longer babies:(


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