Friday, August 7, 2009

Black and White: My Life in Pictures

This very beat up picture is of me, taken by my Grandpa, when I was around five years old. He's where I got my love of photography from, he even had his own dark room in his basement. He taught me a lot about composition and framing subjects. He took many pictures of all of the grandkids when we were young, this one has always been one of my favorites.

For more black and white photos, see the rest of the participants in Amber's week long My Life in Pictures Challenge. Today's the last day and it's been really fun sharing and visiting with new bloggers!


  1. Aren't you just as cute as you can be?! What sweet tribute.

  2. what a cute picture! Love your smile! :)

  3. What a sweet little face and those pig tails Adorable! You were too cute! I love looking back - how cool to learn such a fun hobbie from a grandfather! Thanks for sharing! The Lady

  4. oh i am going to cry seeing that picture. My father is the one who taught me about photography. He also had his dark room. WHat a lovely picture. I looked abit like you when I was kid especially the eyes!

  5. Aww, look at what a little doll you were. =)

  6. What a treasure and story to go with it.

  7. I absolutely love this photo. What a sweet treasure from your grandpa.

  8. So sweet! Your grandfather was very talented.... and the apple didn't fall far from the tree!

  9. very cute:) you still look the same!!!

  10. That's a great pic! How lucky you are to have that memory!

  11. Old photos are such fun to look back on and remember great memories with!

  12. What a sweet photo, and a great memory of your grandpa.

    Thanks so much for playing this week, it has been a pleasure to see all of your photos!

  13. Yup - it's one of Grandpa's best - and one of my favorites, too! Mom

  14. You are sooo cute! ER looks so much like you too. I love it.


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