Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Splashing Good Time

Not only did we get to see our friends and Grandma Norma on a recent warm summer day but we got to get all wet too...and the best part? It was FREE! I just love an inexpensive outing that gets us outside and ER running around. We'd never been to this spray zone before, located in the civic center of the town next to where Brad grew up.It's very impressive with a few inches of water to splash around in and lots of sprayers lining the circular spray zone. There are more concentrated right in one area for kids who want non stop water fun.

ER was content to jump and kick around for most of the time. Filling our bucket up with water from the sprayers was another big hit.The biggest hit for the mommies along? The shade covered tables and chairs all around, so we could sit and be close enough to watch the action and stay dry ourselves. The girls ever so thoughfully picked sprayers right in front us to play at.

It was nice to relax a bit ourselves☺ We had a quick bite to eat together and came home in time to beat the commuter traffic. It was a perfect summer outing.


  1. That looks so refreshing and so much fun!!

  2. That looks like fun! And free ! Woo! Hoo! Always love that.Hope you're doing well. I've been a slacker, but with kids back in school I hope I can get to some of my fave blogs more.Have a great day!

  3. Fun, free outings-- can't beat that! =)

    Happy Tuesday!

  4. HI katie!!! THings have been hectic with no internet and all. There was a death in the family and there was lots jumping on planes and me and the siblings taking care of a lot of things.

    THanks for your support and see you on Monday when I will be doing my post for my Linky.

    Thanks again -Aura

  5. We love to do the splash pad here as well! And it IS the perfect summer outing!

  6. That looks like a nice spray park. We went to one that was way too much water gushing and fountains unexpectedly shooting out water - freaked the girls out!

  7. I love parks like that! They're so much fun!

  8. That looks like such a wonderful afternoon outing. ER looks like she had a great time, and it's important for the moms to have a little down time too. How perfect!!

  9. I love spray parks. Free and fun, can't go wrong with those two things! Great pictures.

  10. They are so cute. It's like they are seriously having fun in that spray park. By reading your post, I can tell that it is such a great place for the parents and kids to have fun. And the free part? that's just awesome! Having fun for free! Thank you for sharing this. :)


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