Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Stampers

We recently gave this set of wooden stamps to ER for her third birthday because she likes to watch me stamping things for my own crafting projects. She'd like to take a turn with mine, but I'm not ready to share my stamps with her. So this was a good compromise, a little wooden set just for her. Now we can both be in the office crafting together, she always uses them to make me a Valentine. That's what she calls it every time, it's not just a card oh no. It's a Valentine because she loves me. Sweetie pie, mommy loves you too!
Eventually, I'd like her to use them to make patterns in a grid sheet I made on Word for her, but for now it's fun to just be creative. With Labor Day this Monday and the unofficial end of summer in sight we'll be starting up our more structured learning time. I've got lots of fun things planned and I can't wait to share more ideas and activities with you. Plus as it cools off I am hoping to get back into a crafting groove. Remember when I shared crafty stuff all the time? Guess my most productive time is the dead of winter, when I am trapped in doors in the evenings!


  1. We love Melissa and Doug stamps! We have the alphabet stamp set and I use it just as much as Emily. Great idea for patterning... I love it!

  2. Look at that crafter in the making. Love it!

  3. Like mother like daughter. Looks like she had a great time with the stamps.

  4. Jason and I love Melissa and Doug!! We have their puzzles and their stamps. I even called the company to tell them I love them so much!!

    It is a cute stamp set.

  5. that is great... you 2 gals can craft together now!! she is SO cute:)


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