Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Newest Member of My Godfamily

Today we finally got to meet my Godbrother Matt's son at a Meet the Baby Open House at my Godparents' house. He is just as sweet as can be and even more cuddily and adorable in person! We've been waiting several months for his parents to visit from CO and our time together was way too short. He looks so much like his Dad, I tease Karen that I'm still not convinced she had any part in him☺
My Godmother Annemarie with her first grandchild, she and Chuck were so thrilled to share their grandbaby with all their friends and family. It was also wonderful to see Matt and Karen, haven't seen them since their baby shower but their lives have certainly changed a lot in less than a year, for the better of course! Somehow I forgot to take to get a picture with Matt, he's a couple of years younger than I am but probably a foot taller. Seeing how his parents are my Godparents, our parents are good friends, and we're close in age we are fairly close. It was nice getting to visit him and his wife Karen in CO when they lived just down the road from us in NM. We sure do miss them! ER's first road trip was to CO to see them.

It was a very busy day for us. Besides the meet the baby party we also visited with Grandma Norma and picked up ER's snow suit for the upcoming winter months. I know it seems early but just a reminder for my fellow Michiganders, if you wait til October it'll be hard to find them in the stores!


  1. Awe, you just want to squish them cheeks:) Can't I just have another baby???????

    I should probably talk to my husband about getting a snow for Lindsey. Her is to small.

  2. what an adorable little boy! :) looks like you had a wonderful time!


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