Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Easy Ghost Peep Grave Yard Cake

Here's a simple and fun cake we made last year, expert cake decorating skills NOT required! If you're thinking it looks like a two year old decorated it, that's because one did☺ I am not known for my baking skills so like most of my desserts, this one starts with "Open Box".

ER loves helping me make mix treats like cakes, brownies, and cookies. Because they are so easy I don't stress out about letting her help out. It's amazing how much little kids love things dumping out the contents from the plastic sleeve. Or adding the cracked eggs, that I've put into small glass containers just like on Food Network. Mixing and stirring can be highlights of the day.

I just have to remember to slow down and let her help me, instead of hurrying along and doing it myself. I think that's one of the hardest part of parenting sometimes, letting kids do things for themselves even if it means we have to start getting ready fifteen minutes before we leave because it takes her ten to figure out how to put her shoes and coat on.Okay, back to the main point of this post, so it's just a box cake, frosted with orange tinted from a can frosting. Then we added ghost peeps along each side of the "graveyard". I wrote things like RIP and Boo on the Milano cookies. Then ER went to town dumping a whole assortment of Halloween sprinkles and candy on it. I thought it turned out pretty cute. She was really proud of it and it was kind of like open ended art for a two year old. As you can see from the picture she couldn't wait to start eating!

This post is part of: Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Slightly Indulgent Mondays, Tasty Tuesday, Tuesdays at the Table, and Food on Fridays.

It's also my contribution to the "Eat, Drink, and Be Scary" linky held at Better in Bulk, so I can share AND earn extra entries in their black Flip Ultra HD camera giveaway!


  1. That's one cute cake. I bet your daughter loved helping you make it. It is so hard sometimes to let them help. Especially in the kitchen. But they feel so good when they do. Great cake!

  2. Katie, I love this!

    Sweet picture too:-).

    I hope you are having a good week!

  3. This actually looks like something I could pull off...which is saying a lot since I really don't bake. I also love that ER got to be so involved. My girls would love this. Although today is one of those legendary Mommy is being slowly driven insane by sick child and tantruming 2 year old. Calgon Take Me Away!

  4. This is such a cute idea. I am horrible at cake decorating so I love that ER did a lot of it. We may need to squeeze this in before Halloween.

  5. I think this cake is so cute. THANKS!!! for sharing the idea. Geri

  6. that is super cute!! my boys would have a ton of fun with that!!

  7. I love it! She did a great job! LC loves to help me bake as well...and decorate :)

    We did an Easter Bunny cake...I never thought of a Halloween cake! Thanks for sharing!

  8. That cake is adorable! It's so much fun to let kids help decorate.

    Thanks for sharing with TATT!

  9. That is just the cutest cake! My grandchildren would love it; do you take orders?:) I host a weekly blog event called Crock Pot Wednesday and would love for you to come post a favorite slow cooker recipe. Come check it out. Thanks so much.

  10. Your cake is perfect! I can't think of anything better than including your daughter in the cake decorating process. It says so much about you as a mother, more concerned about your daughter's happiness than what people might think about your cake.

    Thanks so much for sharing this at Slightly Indulgent Mondays! Come back and visit soon.

  11. I love the candy that is all over that cake!!

    I am the same way about letting the kids help with cooking...I get a little stressed. But with stuff like this I have to let them:)

    The picture of ER with your parents is precious!

  12. I love your cake! We were thinking about making something similar, but ended up doing the saggy pumpkin cake instead. ;)

  13. Your cake is adorable Katie, and the fact that ER (right) helped makes it even cuter. Thanks for finding me. Your blog is great and I will follow along.


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