Monday, June 28, 2010

Tots Travel Too Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered; it was great getting so many tips for traveling! There were lots of great ones, several ladies suggested making sure you have lots of snacks, travel at night, and ways to keep your child occupied.

There were so many good ones, I wish we could have more than one winner. Since we can't though, congratulations to Stephanie, comment #16 who submitted suggestion:
Another travel tip I've learned is to have a running list for every trip. We have a list saved on our computer that we print out before every trip and we go over it several times before heading out the door to make sure we don't forget anything. We write everything on the list from our toddler's favorite stuffed animal to diapers and wipes.
To find Stephanies and everyone else's tips for traveling along with many others check out the Marriott Tots Travel Too Circle on The Motherhood.


1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! I can't wait to put this to good use on our first hotel trip of the summer in two weeks!


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