Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Memberfest at the Zoo

It's Wordless Wednesday so I'll try to keep this brief. These are from our recent trip to our zoo for a special night time event for members. ER is looking up at all the butterflies flying overhead.
Speaking of butterflies, I'm really lovin' this picture I got, with the crisp details of the wing. Doesn't it kinda look like an owl's eye?
Captured this winged fellow in the aviary. ER modeling one of her prizes from the game tent, a kitty mask that kinda looks like our cat Beaver.Thought this amphibian house resident, looked kinda cool just "hanging" out.
Do you see the kangaroo back there?
My current favorite pic of ER, at the zoo's playground. She's such a fashionista!

Thanks for visiting today! This is part of Wordless Wednesday at: Go Graham Go, Jolly Mom, Two of a Kind Working on a Full House, and also Wordful Wednesday at Seven Clown Circus.



  1. I love, love, love it! i wish we had a zoo to have a memberfest with LOL!

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful time at the zoo. I love the giraffe backpack.

  3. Looks like a blast! Those pictures are great!

  4. Looks like it was a fun visit! I LOVE the picture of the butterfly.

  5. This looks like fun, and great pictures!

  6. Beautiful photos! ER is just gorgeous :)

  7. Great pictures! I love your Vera Bradley bag! :)

  8. katie that butterfly photo is so good-- looks professional. i've said it before but cute family!

  9. Katie that is a cool picture of the butterfly! I tried to do it and it kept moving it's wings:(


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