Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Best Books to Read With Your Kids

As a former elementary teacher and certified reading specialist, it's safe to say I love children's literature. I'm a dedicated life long bibliophile; reading has always been an escape and favorite past time.

Parenting Magazine recently shared their picks for The Best Books to Read With Your Kids, as chosen by their editors. Their list is below, how do they stack up to your favorites? I agree with and am familiar with many of them. A few are new to me; I'll be checking those out during our next library visit.

If it were my list, I'd have to add The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis and the Little House Series. I think both have captures generations of young minds and continue to garner fans, although admittedly, the Chronicles may be considered young adult and not children's which is why I'm thinking the Potter books have also been left off. I also at a loss as to why none of Chris Van Allsburg's fantastic titles made the list.

Do you agree with the list, or are there titles missing you think should be added? Please leave your suggestions in the comments, I'm always ready for a new children's book to get lost in and share with my daughter.

  1. Where The Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak
  2. The Snowy Day Ezra Jack Keats
  3. James and the Giant Peach Roald Dahl
  4. Wonder Bear Tao Nyeu
  5. When Sheep Cannot Sleep Satoshi Kitamura
  6. No Flying in the House Betty Brock
  7. Skippy Jon Jones, Lost in Spice Judy Schachner
  8. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Betty MacDonald
  9. Ruby and the Booker Boys: Brand New School, Brave New Ruby Derrick Barnes and Vanessa Brantley Newton
  10. Where The Sidewalk Ends Shel Silverstein
  11. Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish
  12. Strega Nona Tomie dePaola
  13. Five Little Peppers Margaret Sidney
  14. Fancy Nancy Jane O'Connor
  15. Free to Be You and Me Marlo Thomas
  16. I Want to Go Home! Gordon Korman
  17. Peppermints in the Parlor Barbara Brooks Wallace
  18. The Great Brain John D. Fitzgerald
  19. B is for Betsy Carolyn Haywood
  20. Bobbsey Twins Laura Lee Hope
  21. Heidi Johanna Spyri
  22. The Lorax Dr. Seuss
  23. Tar Beach Faith Ringold
  24. Madeline Ludwig Bemelmans
  25. If I Built a Car Chris Van Dusen
  26. Bread and Jam for Frances Russel Hoban
  27. The Ramona Series Beverly Cleary
  28. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Robert O'Brien
  29. What Do People Do All Day? Richard Scarry

You can see the cover of each book and access purchase links through the original post.



  1. Amelia Bedelia was ALWAYS my favorite. Silly woman!

  2. I like the list but I do think the Little House series should be on there. I just finished reading Little House on the prairie to my four year old and she LOVED it. It was such a great experience to read that with her and she is anxious to start the next one.
    The only one I don't like that , it seems, everyone I know loves is 'Where the Wild THings are'. Everyone tells me how much they loved that book as a kid and love reading it to their kids...but I don't like it.

  3. I'm surprised not to find Jan Brett books and I love anything by Robert Munsch.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with you, where are the Little House books? But other than that, it's a pretty good list. I'll have to try and make it through more of those!


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