Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First Hair Cut Layout

First Hair Cut
Here's my interpretation of a November Page Map, third one down, completed during last weekend's Online Crop. I used all stuff from my stash, the paper is an older paper pad, Nana's Nursery. It's baby themed but the soft pastels also match my daughter's sweater dress perfectly.

The paper flowers & metal words, both probably from Making Memories, I've had since California...meaning I've held onto those for six years or longer! A little green paint helped the words stand out. Title letters are chipboard from a kit bought on QVC. For the date tag, I used a Tag Maker and a green cardstock scrap leftover from mounting two of the pictures.

At this point I was almost done, but it was was missing something. All the different paper patterns were blending in too much. So I yanked everything up and inked the edges. What a difference that made!



  1. Such a cute page! Great job! :0)

  2. Very pretty! I am about 18 months behind on my scrapbooks!

  3. This is so adorable! You have a real knack for putting together a page. I love it.


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