Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lucky Times Three: 3 Great Wins for Baby

Baby #2 isn't here and already he's beginning to have quite a pile up of goodies!  I've been entering giveaways like crazy, trying to win some neat stuff for him and so far I've managed to win three times!!!  We got this adorable Cotton Tale Bouncer from Bright Starts via Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House.  It was so exciting to get the email from Dee, as this is one piece of baby equipment we don't have from ER.  She preferred her swing, but I wanted to options and I think the bunny is just too cute.  This one plays music, has gentle vibrations, and a removable toy bar.  Most importantly, the cover is washable and the harness to hold in baby will keep him safe.  I can't wait to see him in it and I'll update you all on how he likes it after he's born.

By the way, Dee has another awesome giveaway going on right now for a Bumbleride Natural Edition - Indie Ocean Stroller.  Open until June 13th, it's one you won't want to miss, I already entered☺  Plus she's super nice, I've been reading her blog Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House for a couple of years now so if you aren't already you should start!
We also have something all ready for Baby to snuggle in, our Gunapod was won through Mom Central.  The wearable blanket is the kind of thing ER just loved wearing her whole first winter.  Her's were all pink so I was going to have to go get some new ones, and the Gunapod is so soft and thick, like fleece...perfect.  It very roomy and has a easy access full front zip and another zipper at the bottom.  So I can put zip him in completely or let his feet can stick out to get more air.  The zippers also make it very easy for late night diaper changes.  I can't believe how luxurious it feels.
The latest baby item to be added to my stash is this Happy Blankie, I won as a prize at the Reviewer's Retreat.  It was our first night, at the Meet & Greet Party, and each table had a pretty bag on it.  Based on the color of Vera Bradley Lanyard we were wearing, yes I said Vera Bradley and you betcha I was so giddy to get pick up mine at Check-In! 

It was kind of like a White Elephant Party and because my ID holder was the only one in Blue Lagoon, that I picked because it's ER's current favorite pattern, I got to pick or steal someone else's prize.  Once I took a look at what was inside the bag at my table I knew I wouldn't be switching!

Chase the Dog is a really fun shaped baby blanket that's got soft minky fabric on one side and a satiny one on the other side.  Little ones really love textures, and I just know this is going to be one of Baby #2's favorites.  I'm thinking it might even end up being his lovey since it's got such a sweet puppy face on it.  Ours is the medium size so it will be perfect for going everywhere with him.

After I got back to our room at the Great Wolf Lodge, I read the tag about Happy Blankies and got even more excited.  The mission behind Happy Blankies is so cool and based on the dream of an eight year old boy named David.  He wanted to help make kids happy by giving kids all over the world a special blankie.  When you buy a Happy Blankie, you also get a special code to give one to a child.  It's a small way you can help provide a child with something that's soothing and provides a sense of security.  You even get to choose where it goes.  That's more than enough reason for me to love Happy Blankies, the super sweet designs just make it even better!

Thank you to each of the sponsors and organizations or bloggers who arranged the giveaways!


Disclosure: I won each of the products mentioned in this post, all opinions expressed are personal and posting about each was not a requirement to win. 


  1. Congrats on winning all of those baby prizes! I love that blanket, it is so cute. Plus it is so different than all the other blankets I have seen.

  2. You're so sweet! Congrats again and good luck with the Bumbleride Giveaway! :)

  3. What a lucky mama - and baby! Winning a Bumbleride Indie would be a real treat!


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