Friday, June 17, 2011

Scrapbook Layout: You Heart Reading

Isn't it fun when you see your kids trying to be mini me versions of yourself?  I like to read and eat with meals.  Most times you'll find me with a book or magazine at breakfast and lunch.  As ER started being more independent, she'd usually finish eating before me and then head off to play in the family room adjacent to our kitchen. 

I hadn't realized how much she was watching me until the day she started climbing up onto the chairs at our table to sit beside me while I finished.   She'd bring along her own reading material too, the current book order sheet and Build A Bear mailers being among the top in importance.  There we'd sit, together both of us quietly reading, a case of like mother like daughter. 

On this layout I used themed products for another topic.  In this case, Valentine papers and stickers work just as well to convey the love of reading theme nicely.  Stretching your scrapping dollars is always a good thing!

Shared At: Tatertots and Jello, Scrappy Gifts,



  1. You are so......GOOD!!! Your work is so inspirational! E is so lucky that you are preserving so many memories so BEAUTIFULLY!!!

  2. Great job using Valentine pieces and not making it look Valentine-y at all. That's so cute that she did that. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays. Featuring this today!


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