Friday, August 26, 2011

Baby Traditions: Weekly Photo

Each week during ER's first year, I took a photo of her always on the same pink chair and always with her special friend Mr. Lion.  While at times it was tedious to do it, at the end of the year it was wonderful to see how much she'd changed.  Keeping the background and prop static really helped illustrate that.  My mom always looked forward to the weekly picture, and by ER's first birthday it was weird to not be taking a weekly photo.  I plan to continue it with LB.  That's his two week photo above, I think I'm going to change to our couch because that chair's fabric is a little busy but you get the idea.

I thought it would be fun to show you the pictures I took of ER.  I love looking back at all the facial expressions and seeing my favorite itty bitty outfits!  At the time we lived in New Mexico and our family in Michigan, so these photos were also a good way to keep in touch with the Grandparents and extended family.  I also used them to make a more detailed photo book, placing the weekly photos together by month and adding details about milestones and important events together.  It one of my favorites.



  1. I have a friend who took a pic of her first daughter daily for the first year. She had them all printed out in an album at the first birthday party. I skimmed through it & thought it was a good idea - maybe. 365 pics is a lot of pics! I think the weekly idea is much better. What a treasure to have to look back on :-)

  2. Great idea, too too cute!!!

  3. What a great idea! The photobook of ER was so cool! Cute kids!

  4. That is a great idea! ER didn't even look like the same baby from one week to the next in some of the photos. It's amazing to see the transformations through photos. I'm glad I did that with my pregnancy.

  5. awww, he's precious Katie!!
    love the idea of weekly photos. I think I started to do that with my first child, just for the first four weeks but didn't continue it with my others.
    take care!

  6. He is cute too cute and I LOVE the weekly picture book of ER, so sweet!

  7. Toooo cute! And I loved looking at ER's week to week photos! What an awesome idea! (Can't wait til we have a sweet grandbaby to hug and hold...when the time comes, I will need to tell our kids this idea for their future babies!) :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  8. ER's book is super cute! This is such a cute idea that I just never managed to do...


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