Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Support Handmade Spotlight: Release Me Creations

Today we have Maureen for Release Me Create, read on for the FREE SHIPPING code at the bottom of the post:)  She's also got a beautiful holiday decor project to share with you. One thing I really love about it is, that once you make it you can leave it up all winter long!  It's always so sad to me, when all the decorations go away after New Years, because my house always looks kinda bare then.  This is such a fun way to incorporate natural elements into your home for the entire season. 
Hello everyone! I'm so very excited to be a guest blogger today on Katie's Nesting Spot! My name is Maureen, and I blog over at: Release Me Create 
Today I bring you this fun, easy, and ultra cheap diy holiday decor project:
-Some small branches
-Gold spray paint
-White spray paint
-Moss covered styrofoam "stones"
-Tiny white snowflake ornaments
-Glass vase
1) Find some branches just lying about and remove any foliage or extra stems you don't want

2) Spray paint them white (or gold or silver, or whatever color you like)

3) Find some pinecones, spray paint them gold, slap on some glue and pour on the glitter! (No photo of this as I was impatient and didn't want to wait for my camera battery to charge)

4) Travel to the craft store to find some cute things to fill within the vase, and some ornaments to hang on your branches -I found the tiny snowflakes, 
the moss stones, and the vase all for $9 with my coupon 
and their 50% off holiday decor sale at Hobby Lobby! 5) Fill up the vase, add your twigs, hang your ornaments and viola...a cute little holiday arrangement!
I added my little white ceramic birds for a final finishing touch. 

Thank you so very much for letting me join you today!
You can come visit me anytime on my BLOG, FACEBOOK, or TWITTER!
And if you're holiday shopping, I am offering FREE SHIPPING in my ETSY SHOP
Just enter Coupon Code: MERRYHOLIDAY11


1 comment:

  1. What a pretty arrangement!

    I have not been able to stop by in a while, but wanted to be sure to say Happy Thanksgiving!

    Blessings & Aloha!


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