Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Project Life 2012: I Try Again

cultivate a good life by Becky Higgins 
Have any of you tried to do Project Life before?  The general idea is to take at least one picture a day for a year to document your family's daily life.  This will be my third year in a row attempting. I've never made it past January before and am still working with the very first original kit of materials.  You can see some of the contents in this Q&A post by Becky Higgins from waaaaayyyyy back in 2008 and a few completed layouts with the first kit from Maggie Holmes, here.  Back then it was a concept introduced in Creating Keepsakes magazine but I'd say it's one that's really taken off with whole blogs devoted to it and lots of digital supplies and kits designed specifically for it.

I thought I was done with trying.  In the past, once I missed a few days, I'd get frustrated and feel guilty about the empty photo pocket staring at me from the weekly layout.  Then I'd just give up.  What motivated me to give it yet another go was looking back at the few pictures I do have.  There are some real gems there, that really brought back little memories of things ER used to do.  They tugged at my heart and I know they wouldn't have been recorded otherwise, it made me wonder what other stories did I miss. 

So here we are 2012 and starting once again.  This time I am more optimistic about making it through.  I've got a snazzy new camera from Brad for Christmas, that I'm excited to practice using and learn more about.  There's our new little baby who'll be transforming into a toddler during the course of a year and a little girl on the cusp of leaving little kidhood behind to capture. 

But the most important thing is, I've given myself permission to miss here and there.  To adapt as I need to.  I like Jessica Turner's idea to turn it into a weekly documentation.  To fill those slots not necessarily with a daily picture but with pictures from the week as a whole.  So if I want to fill the whole week with photos from a birthday party, I can. 

That if nothing else makes me feel like I've been set free from failing.  It's given me a mindset that there are no fails, just more memories documented.  There's an excitement to see it through that hasn't been there before.  

This year I'm really looking forward to the process!  I've even made myself these handy dandy day of the week photo frames to make it a little easier to share on the blog, which I hope to do on a regular basis.

Project Life 2012
Week 1: January 1 - 7

Sunday: With everyone so sick, the first day of the year was decidedly low key.  Everyone cuddled up and laid around watching T.V.

Monday: Break out the new Kinnect!  So happy we found this kid friendly version of a dance game.  The steps are easy enough for ER to keep up and I don't have to worry about the song lyrics or on screen dancer's attire being inappropriate for a five year old.

Tuesday: Mom still not feeling well, Brad's first day back at work ended up being a half day.  Home after lunch ER helped him assemble the Lego Millennium Falcon he got for Christmas, while I slept.

Wednesday:  ER playing with her Littlest Pet Shop critters, some new glittery ones joined the menagerie over the holidays.

Thursday: Grammy & Papa dropped off Uncle Dave at work and then came over.  LB snuggled with Papa and fell right asleep.  His nap was a bit early, so he was wide awake for lunch at the pizza buffet.

Friday: Finally feeling better, we made the most of our last day of Christmas vacation starting with a play date with T and C.  It was dinner at Chili's before a quick trip to Costco to pick up pictures, diapers, and wipes.  There was barely enough time to squeeze in a little crafting time!
Saturday: With temperatures only in the 40s, it's perfect weather for removing the Christmas lights off the tree and a quick walk around the neighborhood.

Shared on Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative.


  1. My son would be SO envious of that Star Wars Lego Set. He asked Santa for the Death Star for Christmas as a test to see if Santa was real. :)

  2. Such great photos of the week. I asked Santa for the Death Star also but she told me no.

  3. What a fabulous idea! I'm late to find out about this but I guess, since I've been doing a Photo-A-Day Challegne, I could jump right in and scrapbook by photos this way. Thanks for the inspiration.


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