Monday, August 20, 2012

#1 First Birthday T-Shirt

This summer, and especially last month to be specific, I haven't been as active with blogging as usual.  There was one big reason why, our little guy turned a year old!  I was busy working on getting things ready for his party and one of the projects I'm most proud of is this Number 1 t-shirt I made for him. 

I had planned to order him a customized embroidered shirt, like this, but didn't get around to it in time.  Then I kind of panicked and made a few half hearted attempts at finding a birthday shirt locally.  When that didn't pan out I decided to try and make my own.  You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a plain colored shirt in small sizes!  I finally had to resort to this royal blue one, which started out with a pocket, that I had to very carefully use a seam ripper to get rid of.
It's the first time I've tried doing a satin stitch and think it's a great first try.  I've come along way, the first time I tried applique I ended up resorting to puffy paint for the edges because I didn't like how the stitching was turning out.   Getting to know my machine a lot better since that first attempt and this eguide from YCMT really helped guide me through the process.  Now I can't wait to try more!
The adorable fabric is from the Riley Blake Fabric's Wheels line, which is impossible to find because it's been discontinued!  Originally I wanted to base LB's room off of it and make a simple quilt and some accessories.  But then I tried finding it, I looked everywhere, but could only locate remnants except for one larger piece in this design.  I sacrificed a little bit for the letter, because who knows if I'll ever get around to making the quilt!

Sharing this project at Craftionary.


  1. I am so going to make one of these for my best friends daughter who is turning two!! I just love his shirt. Happy Birthday!

  2. Cute! Great job. It is so hard finding colored shirts in small sizes. Right now they seem to have a lot of long sleeve ones.
    Lucky for my daughter I put her in a 4T shirt and it can be a dress until she's big enough to fit into it as a shirt.


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