Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wreck-It Ralph Now in Theaters

One of the movies most anticipated by the entire family came out this weekend.  I think my husband was shocked pleasantly surprised when our daughter announced she wanted to see it.  She normally favors princess type movies that her avid gamer, both video and role playing, father doesn't quite get.  But there's something for both of them in Wreck-It Ralph. 

What was the last movie your entire family was excited about seeing?  Leave me the title in the comments so we can add it to our list of must see movies.  Then check out this Character's Featurette and get to know who's who in the world of Wreck-It Ralph a bit more.



  1. Kevin took the kids to see that last night. It was Gibson's one birthday request and Kevin was happy to make it happen ;) They all loved it!

  2. That movie looks fun! Thanks for reminding me, we were trying to think of some weekend activities today!

  3. My hubby took my daughter to see it today. She liked it a lot.

  4. I took my best friend's two boys to this (ages 6 & 8). We loved it. But I must say the animated short before the movie "Paperman" almost had me in tears at the end, so adorable.


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