Sunday, February 10, 2013

Easy Handmade Valentine Cards

At the last minute, I decided to send Valentine cards this year.  It was way past the date to make photo cards and we were all sick with colds so my six year old was in no mood to help me.  In one afternoon I made eleven cards using paper scraps leftover from making previous scrapbook pages, premade card blanks, and supplies from my stash.  I repeated the same simple design and they came together in no time. 
Here are the three different versions.
The sentiment for this card was created on my computer, printed out, inked and the corners notched with the WRMK Corner Chomper my parents were nice enough to give me for Christmas.  It's yet another tool to store but I am so glad I got it.  I just love it and have already used it a lot!  I have the Stub/Deco design.
While the design is very basic, I've learned from years of sending handmade cards that it's the thought that really touches your recipient.  Most of mine have never made a card in their life and are very impressed and excited by any handcrafted greeting.  I was recently quite touched to find out a friend of mine had all of the cards I've sent her over the years in a special box.  Now that, gives me the warm fuzzies!


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