Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Boy Scrapbook Pages: First Studio Portaits

I did manage to get the little guy in for some formal studio portraits, something we managed to squeeze in between the period of birth and when I had to go back in for a second procedure.  I'm glad we were able to get over to Kiddie Kandids and get a couple sleepy baby pictures. 

I took along a blanket my Godmother made for him and we did double duty by having ER pose for five year old portraits.  All in all, it was a productive afternoon done on the fly when I realized I would be out of commission and unable to travel for at least a week after getting restitched.
A page sketch from my Cherish book helped me scrap my favorites quickly.  This one is called "A New Perspective".  This Martha Stewart Crafts paper already had the border so that made it come together even faster.  Thanks for coming by for this week's addition to my Baby Boy Scrapbook Pages Series.



  1. Katie - What a sweet layout. Your children are adorable.

  2. What a precious memory! I had a little boy in 2011 as well (my first) and I've been working through his baby book. I've been struggling to finish it. This page was an inspiration to get it back out and keep working! Thank you!



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