Monday, May 20, 2013

Baby Boy Scrapbook Pages: 2 Little Love Bugs

While perusing around Pinterest I found a great sketch site called Creative Scrappers.  I loved that unlike many, you can search by number of photos.  Since I usually start by selecting my pictures this was ideal for me.  Then I did a little reading and found out that in March they were taking a break, just my luck!  Happily, the site will be staying up so you can still access their sketches; I thought it was a resource too good not to share.  It's where I found the inspiration for this entry into our Baby Scrapbook Pages, which is based on Sketch 119.

This was another stash buster and it took awhile to dig out all the supplies as I'd already added them to the pile I let ER create with.  At first I thought the colors were a bit bright and pink...can you use pink on a boy page?  Then decided since his big sister is in each of the photos, bright colors and pink were A OK!  It turned out really cheerful and I was glad I went ahead and went for it after I checked out the selection of bug and insect related paper at the store.  Ick!  They were either way too realistic and almost scientific looking really dull dark colors.  Definitely NOT something I'd want to use for my two cutie pies!



  1. Hi Katie! I think it's a great mix of colors and not overly pink-girly. It's a nice compliment to the blue. I love sketches - so happy to know about another site! ~Alissa

  2. So cute. Glad you didn't use reaky bug paper. I love the green and pink combo :)

  3. Precious photos. I think the colors and papers you used are perfect. I've got two boys and I'll use pink every now and then. It's a good accent color.


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