Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Project Life 2013: July 7-13

Today I have the first spread for Project Life 2013's Book #2.  Since I know I can't fit an entire year in one scrapbook, I like to divide up the year with the first six months in one album and the last six months of the year in another.  This year, because of how our 4th of July activities were, the first week of July is in the other book.  Volume 2 starts out with July 7 - July 13th.
The first half of the spread is about Brad's 36th birthday.  I included the card our kids worked on together in one pocket and a card featuring a technique called tatting, in another.  The bottom card is from Brad's mother, it's a blank card his late Grandma Emma Jane made by attaching pieces of flower like tatting to.  The actual tatting is by Brad's Great Grandma Lulu.  I thought it was a nice touch to include both since they are handmade.
The rest of the week is all on the right side of the spread.  At the top are pictures from the last summer speech group we went to.  Next to that are some of LB playing with a balloon he got at the grocery line check out.

In the middle and bottom left are photos from the performance that marked the end of a week of theater camp.  She went with a good friend and the girls ended up doing a duet together.  They were really cute and so brave, just seven and standing up to sing in front of an audience!

A picture from a friend's Chuck E. Cheese birthday party rounds out this quick to assemble week.  I hope you enjoyed seeing how I incorporate Project Life into my family's memory keeping.  I'm linking this up with The Mom Creative's weekly linky party, which is a great place to find more ideas and inspiration!  If you have any questions about the products or techniques used, please leave them in a comment and I'll be happy to reply! 



  1. I am always amazed at the confidence the kids have in performing in front of others My daughter does drama and loves it. Love you very pretty spread and the inclusion of all the birthday cards

  2. Your pages are adorable! I love how you included the handmade card :)


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