Monday, May 11, 2009

6 Unimportant Favorite Things

I was recently tagged by Together We Save to list my Unimportant Favorite Things. It's fun easy tag, a quick was to learn some random things about me. Plus, it's so nice to be mentioned by a new friend!

I just recently visited Together We Save for the first time, and found a great code to get two free personalized Hallmark cards, even the shipping was free! I found them on the last day they were valid or I'd have sent you all over to get them too. Go check out the coupons and deals she's found for us today!

Here are the three simple rules: Mention the person who tagged you and list six unimportant things that make you happy. Then tag six more blogs!

6 Unimportant Things that Make Me Happy:
  1. Falling asleep to the sound of rain falling
  2. Happening upon craft shows, fairs, or carnivals when out running errands, we have a knack for finding them on accident!
  3. Eating Chinese food take out in my pajamas
  4. Watching music videos of bands from my high school days on YouTube
  5. Going to eat at restaurants mentioned on the Food or Travel Channel, Rachel Ray has pointed us to some great places to try while on vaca in AZ.
  6. New flip flops
Now to tag six more bloggers to share some random bits of happiness with us all! I've decided to tag some of my newest followers, so I can get to know them better.
  1. Mommy of 2 Girlz at A Pocket Full of Buttons, who also just happens to be having a giveaway going on at her blog. Check out her ultra cute girly fun Etsy store Sew Fierce, I know a lot of you have little princesses at home. You don't want to miss out on a chance to win a gift certificate to her store, my favorites are this and this.
  2. Courtney at Alam mo ny an, who I was right by last weekend. It's fun to read about her college life, I'm just glad I'm not the one taking exams anymore!
  3. Mrs Jones, check out these fun projects she made for her school's teacher appreciation festivities. I love the chalkboards and lanterns, not to mention the fun school themed ribbon tied through her plates.
  4. Annette at The Whipples, who I actually do know a little bit about as she's been featured on my other blog ABC & 123. They just had a big reading moment at their house, how exciting!
  5. Jess at Craft Blog, a new blogger who just made a bright and cheerful mini book full of summer memories!
  6. Martha at So Lovely Creations, who I've actually tagged or awarded before. I've been following her blog for awhile and recently she began following mine too! I just love meeting other creative and crafty folks! She has been busy embellishing accents around her home with natural materials, doesn't this look like it could've come from an import store, how cool!
But since this is such an easy tag to do, after all who doesn't love to contemplate the little things that make us happy, I'd love for you to ALL join in! Please leave me a comment if you do it, and even if you don't☺, so I can be sure to swing by and read them!


  1. Katie,
    Great minds thing alike I guess. I can't believe we both posted this today. Fun!So what highschool era band is your fave?
    I am excited to see what your tagged gals write too:)

  2. I like this one!! I will do it sometime this week, I hope!

  3. Thanks for the tag sweetie. I will post mine tomorrow :)

  4. What a fun list. I'd have to think about that one. I love your #1. That definitely makes me happy.
    Have a good day!

  5. I love watching retro stuff on Youtube! I'll often go there and watch actor interviews and tributes after I watch a movie, too. ♥

  6. And we share it all. Makes the distance now betwenn us even greater. Love you!!!!

  7. I love new flip flops, too! Isn't it funny about the simple things?

  8. I would just like to say that I am obsessed with flip flops. So there is something else we have in common.

  9. Very cool unimportant thingys:)
    My favorite are the first two. Sleep and shop for fun:)

  10. Hi Katie! I'm finally getting back to you. I was really sick this week. Anyway, I put my 6 unimportant faves up on the blog.

    I got the glue at AC Moore or Michael's. Sorry I don't remember which. It's awesome stuff.

    Have a great weekend!



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