Monday, August 3, 2009

Book Review: Everyday Greatness

Everyday Greatness: Inspiration for a Meaningful Life
By Stephen R. Covey and David K. Hatch

I was drawn to this title immediately, because I like to think that we and our life's meaningfulness is defined not by the occasional great moments but rather the sum of what we do for selves, family, and community day in and day out. I think that's a good way to also describe the driving meaning behind this collaboration between Reader's Digest and bestselling author Stephen R. Covey, compiled by David K. Hatch

While Covey gets the author credit, most of it is not actually written by him. Rather it's a compliation of 63 inspiring stories and hundreds of quotes from Reader's Digest and divided up amongst the seven sections of the book. Within each chapter are they are futher divided into three principles:
  1. Searching for Meaning: Contribution; Charity; Attention
  2. Taking Charge: Responsibility; Courage; Discipline
  3. Starting Within: Integrity; Humility; Gratitude
  4. Creating the Dream: Vision; Innovation; Quality
  5. Teaming with Others: Respect; Empathy; Unity
  6. Overcoming Adversity: Adaptability; Magnanimity; Perseverance
  7. Blending the Pieces: Balance; Simplicity; Renewal
Covey contributes the insights and commentary and provides guided reflections throughout, that help you think upon how you can embody that principle in your life.

I found this book to be very uplifting and helpful in prioritising what's important in my life. I also liked how the book was divided into short sections so that one is not overwhelmed and can concentrate on each principle and truly think on how you can incorporate them into your life.

I read it first thing in the morning and then journaled a little bit about each principle at night after I had the day to reflect on it. It's a nice self paced way to motivate yourself to make one of Covey's three choices: the choice to act, the choice of principle, and the choice for principle a way of life and enable you to live everyday greatness.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publishers for the review copy of this book.

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