Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Fun: My Life in Pictures

I think for me summer fun always means something to do with water. Maybe it's because I'm originally from Korea, a country surrounded by water, or because I grew up in the Great Lakes state, but I have always loved being on the water. It's just not summer without a trip to the beach; even a trip to one of the countless little lakes ones in Michigan will do. We're lucky enough to live by a county lake with a great spray zone, gentle lapping waters, and while it's not soft yellow sand it's also not as rocky as it can be along MI's eastern coastline. So plenty of sandcastles can be built here.Or at least they could be, if watering the sand wasn't a lot more fun! We're excited for our trip to Michigan's westside coming up soon, we had so much fun there last year.

This post is part of Amber's My Life in Pictures Challenge, going on all this week. Click on over to see more participants.


  1. Another beach picture!!! I can't stand it anymore... I want to go so bad. I love the beach- the sound, the looks, the feel!

    Looks like she is having a blast!

    Hope to see you again this week!

  2. How fun! There's nothing more 'summer' than a day at the lake!

  3. Oh, your little one is so adorable. Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  4. So cute! Emily was asking to go to the beach again today... You are so fortunate to be near the water!

  5. Oh! ER's legs are getting long! Where on the west side are you going? ♥

  6. Great photo. I need to get to the beach sometime this year lol. The weather has been horrible here.

  7. You take great action shots!

    I get nuts taking pictures when the kids are at the beach. Lindsey is always digging waterways into the sand:)


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