Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fresh Picked

Some times the most precious flower bouquets, are really weeds, but treasured all the more because of who's little fingers did the picking.
She insists these dandelions smell bee-you-ti-ful and are the most bestest flowers I have ever gotten. I think I have to agree.


Participating in Wordless Wednesday at: Jolly Mommy, Go Graham Go, A Lot of Loves, Two of a Kind Working on a Full House, and Five Minutes for Mom and Wordfull Wednesday at Seven Clown Circus.


  1. I can smell them over here! bee-you-ti-ful pics!

  2. Aw. My son loves to pick me dandelion bouquets too. Kids are so sweet sometimes.

  3. Babes are so precious :) What an adorable picture! My kids do this for me all the time and I am sure to make a big deal....cause I remember picking them for my mom!!

  4. I have to agree with her too. Sometimes children just see the beauty of things that we miss.

  5. Madison has been obsessed with picking dandelions lately too. As silly as I thought picking weeds was at first....I found myself photographing the pretty little yellow flowers!

  6. Too cute. Zoe loves picking them as well. She always says the same but they smell pretty!

  7. Very sweet. Emma told me yesterday that she things we should call our dandelions "garden flowers", because I don't let her pick our neighbors' garden flowers and she thinks if we call them that we won't mow them down any more.

  8. It is so good that she takes the time to smell the flowers.

  9. awwwww, I've got a lot of those too.

  10. So sweet! What a little love to pick them for you.

  11. That is way too adorable! The fact that she picked them for you turns simple weeds into bee-you-ti-ful flowers! :)

    WW: Earth Day and Dinosaurs

  12. Oh my goodness! That is a super sweet picture!

  13. Fabulous photos to capture this sweet moment. Really goes to show how the simple things in life can make us happy.

  14. Haha!!"bee-you-te-ful" I can hear her saying it!! I refuse to call them weeds, anyway! I don't know who decided that in the first place!!

  15. A couple of weeks ago I got a handful of those with these words, "Momma, you told me not to pick the daffodiddles, so I picked you these instead." So wonderful! Happy WW!

  16. Adorable...we played with dandelions today, too. Have you ever tried making dandelion curls?

  17. Awww... so glad you're able to treasure these!

  18. That is one of the things I love about kids...they remind us of the beauty of simple things, like weeds. I personally love weeds..I am really good at growing them.

    Sweet photos!


    PS-There is a new DIY/craty blog hop happening with 5 blogs...details are on my blog!

  19. how adorable!! my kids love picking these for me too :)


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