Thursday, April 22, 2010

Review and Giveaway: Wow Wow Wubbzy Goes Green DVD

This giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered! Congratulations to ruthhill74, comment #10, who said: We recycle and combine car trips when possible.
In celebration of Earth Day I have Wow Wow Wubbzy Goes Green DVD giveaway for you! Come along with Wubbzy and his friends as they learn valuable lessons about being friends of the plant and going green. Already a popular show in our house, ER loves this DVD! It features several episodes that get viewers interested in the environment and recycling in colorful and fun way that is easily accessible to preschoolers, along with silly and catchy tunes. While we'd already seen them all on TV previously, it was really nice to have them all compiled together. See how Wubbzy, Widget, and Walden find out that building a new playground has consequences for the animals that live in trees that are cut down to make room for it. See them realize that their animal friends are best suited for their natural habitat and of course solve the problem by the end of the episode.

Another story included in the video shows the residents of Wuzzleburg that their favorite new drink's bottle is causing a major problem. What do they do all the the bottles? See all the creative uses they find for reusing them. On another, Wubbzy only wants to eat the same fruit every day all day, will he every tire of it?
To help celebrate the new release – and Mother Earth! – Anchor Bay has partnered with the Alliance for Community Trees (ACT). For every “Wubbzy Goes Green” DVD sold, Anchor Bay will donate $1 to ACT to help support the planting of trees in playgrounds and schoolyards across the country! The special tree-planting initiative “sprouts” on April 1 and continues through May 31, 2010.

And to further ”plant the seeds” of green-themed consciousness among the budding environmentalists in your family, following are some tips and cool “tree trivia” inspired by “Wubbzy Goes Green” and ACT:

  • Take along washable cups or travel mugs instead of disposables.
  • Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.
  • Volunteer with community organizations that plant trees like the Alliance for Community Trees!

If you'd like to win a copy of Wow Wow Wubbzy Goes Green on DVD, please tell me how your family goes green

If you'd like to follow, subscribe, or fan my blog, tweet or link to this giveaway, post my button, etc. I'd appreciate it! Tell me if you do in another comment and earn another entry☺ Open through May 6th, EST midnight to US residents.


Disclaimer: A copy of this DVD was provided to me for review and this post relates my own personal and unbiased opinion. Yours may differ. Thank you to the sponsor for providing a giveaway copy, directly to the winner.


  1. We go green by
    line drying our clothes
    using cloth bags at the grocery store
    recycling everything
    reusing paper
    buying used clothes and reselling our clothes


  2. We recycle, cloth diaper, compost, and nearly always use cloth instead of paper towels.

  3. And I have your button on my blogroll.

  4. I use reusable bags for all my shopping.

  5. I am a subscriber! (My kids love Wubzy)

  6. Wow Wow Wubbzy Rocks! We are green buy using reusable shopping bags, cloth napkins instead of paper towels and the use of green cleaning products. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. We go green by recycling what we can, conserving our water consumption and electricity usage.

  8. I follow your blog via Google Friends Connect.

  9. We recycle and combine car trips when possible.

  10. We go green by using canvas bags instead of paper or plastic.

    TechyDad at TechyDad dot com

  11. We recycle cans & bottles and use CFL bulbs

    ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

  12. I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect

    ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

  13. we reuse milk cartons as flower pots and recycle cardboard

  14. We started a compost pile and a small garden.

  15. We try to go green by recycle, reuse, upcycle where ever we can. For example, we use egg cartons for crafts, paint holders and starting seeds!

  16. We try to be more green by using reusable bags at stores, recycling, using cloth bags for lunches...
    I also quit buying paper towels and just use cloth towels - much less waste :)
    my daughter loves Wubbzy, thanks for the chance to win it!

  17. We are a green family by doing these:

    Conserve water by turning of water while brushing our teeth, washing dishes and soaping up in the shower.

    Recycle cans, paper, plastic and other metals.

    Turn off lights that are not in use.

    Pick up trash off the side of the road on our street.

  18. I am a follower via Google Friends Connect.

  19. I follow your feed via Google Reader.

  20. Tweet

  21. I am a fan (LIKE)of your blog on Facebook.

  22. We plant a veggie garden every year, and are using cloth bags instead of plastic!
    winnieayala at yahoo dot com


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