Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Crafty Soiree #67

Have you gotten your first snowfall of the season?  We have and even if it was only a few inches it was exciting to take our four month old outside and show him snow for the first time.  His big sister has been loving the white stuff and even if it's barely covering the tips of the grass, wants to be outside in it.  Here are three snowman related features from last week to kick off our crafty par-tay!

Snowman T-Shirt Tutorial from Brassy Apple
 Melted Snowman Ornament Tutorial from Flexible Dreams
Mason Jar Snowmen from A Woman's Haven

Party Guidelines
1.  Link up to four of your creative projects (No Etsy stores or other linky parties pretty please).  
2.  Add your link to the specific posts not the main URL.
3.  Add a "Crafty Soiree" button to your blog or posts.
4.  Please comment on the post linked up in front of you.  All partygoers love meeting new friends... don't just stop there...if you see something that catches your fancy-- stop by and say hi!
5.  Your hostesses would love it if you'd follow us. You can find Malia here.

Let's Party!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feature!!

    And, I've already pinned that shirt to make for my son :-)


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