Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Crafty Soiree #117

Hi Friends!  I'm so glad you came by today!  I know what a busy time this is for many of us in the states, with Thanksgiving being tomorrow.  My features this week are quick and easy gifts to make, with the exception of the first one.  I felt bad not including any Thanksgiving projects, because it seems that its one holiday that can get lost in the hussle leading up to Christmas.  The stores certainly think it's already December!  Thanksgiving is such a lovely holiday because there are no gifts to be bought, just good food and time with family, appreciating what's really important.  
Since there isn't much time to do any big involved crafts before tomorrow, I found a quick one, just download the free printable and you're on your way!  Thanks to Becky at the Paisley Palooza for this Give Thanks Banner!

Now on to some gifts to make!  I thought these all looked like things we can whip up in larger numbers without a lot of expense.  Have fun crafting!
These Chalkboard Blocks from A Farm Wife's Journal look festive with their red bows and Joy message, but as Cherilyn points out it's easy to change out the ribbon and message to match any time of year.   Now that's one great gift, a cute decoration you don't have to store because it can be used year round!
These festive Candy Cane Candles from Desire Empire are nice because you don't even have to dig around for a glass container.  The candy canes are glued right onto the candle.   Here's the best part, the candy canes are actually mini candy canes so you can make several with one package!
Noreen from Crafty Journal used two inch tiles, stickers, mini clothes pins, and everyone's favorite - Mod Podge, to make these very cute little Recipe/Photo Holders.  I was thinking this would be a great way to use any leftover stickers you might have, you know the ones I'm talking about.  The one or two you always seem to have left after using most of them from the sheet.
Christine at The DIY Dreamer has turned felt into these sweet Felt Xmas Ornaments and on her post you can see several different color combinations.  These blue and white ones are my favorite, lovely for a snow theme!
Party Guidelines
1.  Link up to four of your creative projects (No Etsy stores or other linky parties pretty please).  
2.  Add your link to the specific posts not the main URL.
3.  Add a "Crafty Soiree" button to your blog or posts.
4.  Please comment on the post linked up in front of you.  All partygoers love meeting new friends... don't just stop there...if you see something that catches your fancy-- stop by and say hi!
5.  Your hostesses would love it if you'd follow us. You can find Malia here.



  1. Thank you for featuring my little chalkboard blocks and for hosting a great link party. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my candy cane candle.

  3. thanks for this lovely link party!

  4. Thank you for the lovely party! And thank you for featuring my recipe holder. Kids can make it for Mom or Grandma for Christmas.



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