I'm still into subscription boxes...
Sidenote: Did you hear that Julep just discontinued there Maven program?!? I was a saddened by that, as I do really love their makeup products. My go to eye look uses only their eyeliner and eye shadow stick, plus their top and smoothing base coats are awesome. I can still order but it's nice to have something automatically show up on your doorstep each month.
Anyhoo, my tendencies to get sidetracked evidently are still in full force. I wanted to jump on here and show off my latest video. I watch a lot of YouTube on my Kindle, like A LOT of Youtube... it's a fun and relaxing way to "hang" out with my crafty peeps. From tutorials, unboxings, and more it's really been a joy to see what so many different papercrafters and other creatives are up doing via their YouTube videos.
I have been wanting to be more involved in the community vs being a passive viewer, although I do happily pass out "Thumbs Up" Likes on their videos and subscribe to a lot of channels. One of my 2019 New Year Goals was to JUST DO IT and get to my channel and begin posting and not keep recording videos and then deleting because they're not good enough. Because the truth is, I'm not a professional and it will be a long time, if ever, that they are "good enough". But in the meantime I'm missing out by not putting out what I AM creating.
With that being said, here's the first video I created on my iPhone vs my Canon. I'm enjoying this format because it's streamlined with easier upload and editing right on my phone. I've still got a long way to go to learn how to use the tools I've got but to start somewhere :) I hope you enjoy!