Introducing our New Baby Boy!
Born July 29, 2011
9:33 AM
8 pounds and 1 ounce
20.5 inches
Last Friday we welcomed our new baby boy to the family! He is such a sweet little thing, although not that little I guess since he was two pounds heavier and two inches longer than our first! Born via Cesarean section, the operation itself went a lot smoother than five years ago. I was really afraid that there would be issues while the spinal block took affect. Last time it felt like spiders were crawling all over me and the doctors ended up bringing in Brad early to calm me down. Eventually, I was put under for most of the first C-section and the next thing I remember is hearing a nurse call, "Look over here, it's your baby!"
We had the first appointment in the morning, because they like to do diabetics first thing to avoid complications with our blood sugars. That must be one of the very few perks of being diabetic, because it's so nice to arrive to an empty prep room and have all your vitals and information entered in a calm, leisurely manner. I felt very comfortable with my nurse by the time we went into the operating room and had unrushed conversations with the doctor and anesthesiologist. This time I was alert for the entire procedure, and they actually got started before I realized they'd begun! The only moments of discomfort was when they removed him.
When they told me I might feel some pressure, they weren't kidding! They pressed down several times, hard enough to kind of take my breath away, I commented to Brad that it felt like they might break a rib or something. All that pressure led to a pretty sizable and nastly looking bruise around my incision. The nurses have told me that it'll take longer for my bruising to go away than for the incision to close!
I am still glad I was able to be awake for the entire thing. This time instead of having the nurse and Brad take the baby out of the room for the well baby check, I could hold the baby after they cleaned him up while the doctor's finished working on me. That's us together in the recovery room above. Most of last Friday went well, the issues didn't begin until that night. That's when I began having complications with the incision.
That however, is a story for another time, for now I'll leave you with this picture of the proud daddy, with both of his kiddos. ER is so happy to be a big sister, and loves holding the baby. I am going to continue with fairly lightp posting next week to continue to give my body time to recover. As I mentioned previously, I've been dealing with some complications from the surgery and need some time off to deal with it. Thank you for all your well wishes and congratulations. Even though things are a little rough right now, just holding the baby and seeing ER's excitement over him makes it all worthwhile. We're all very much in love with our new little one!

24 Friends Said:
How neat that our babies are less than 1 hour apart! So glad to see pictures of your little (but big in comparison to Addicyn) guy and to hear you are doing well minus the complications!! Take care of yourself!!
Congratulations to you and your family! What a beautiful baby boy. I hope that you have a speedy recovery!
Aw what a beautiful baby! Congratulations!!
Congratulations! Your kids are precious!
CONGRATULATIONS Mama!! He is gorgeous! So happy for you!
Congratulations!!! How cute the baby.... :)
Congratulations Katie, Bard and ER!!! Your precious baby boy is so beautiful and so are the pictures of each of you with him.
Hugs...Tracy :)
Congrats Katie. I'm so happy for you and your little family.
Hugs.. Christin
Awwww...he is soooo sweet!! Congratulations to you and your family. I am so sorry you are having a rough time. Hopefully things will heal quickly.
Less than 7 weeks....
He's adorable! Congrats! I'm so sorry you had complications, but I hope you are really better soon!
Congrats, Katie!!!
Congratulations! So happy for your happy family of four.
Blogging is certainly not priority right now. We look forward to what you share, but are just hoping you heal well! happy for you! He is beautiful! Glad everything went (fairly) well. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
so very happy for you Katie!!!
Congratulations to your family!
Take it easy & hope recovery goes quickly for you!
Congrats Katie! What an adorable little addition to your family! I hope you heal quickly.
My second c-section went smoother also.
Love the little baby burrito. Enjoy your new little boy, and take all the time you need.
Awwwww!!!! Thanks for sharing your birth story and all the beautiful pictures!!! Congratulations!!! <3 Heal fast!
So cute... congratulations! Sorry you had some problems, hope your recovery goes well!
He's adorable, and the photo of ER and your hubby with the baby is wonderful.
I'm so happy things went well; you look great! I hope your incision is better today and that you're resting comfortably.
He's beautiful, and you all look wonderful in these pictures! I'm so sorry you had complications, and hope you heal quickly.
Congratulations, Katie!!! Wonderful news :) I hope you are feeling better soon.
Awww he is so sweet. Congratulations to you and your family. Enjoy your new bundle of joy:)
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