Hi Friends!
Oh my, has it been a LOOOOONG time since I've blogged! I would think about getting on and sharing my latest projects but then it would seem like there had been such a long break...where to pick up the conversation.
Where to begin?
I guess by going back to where we stopped? That was the end of last summer when I hurt my calf muscle, by tearing it three inches. That was quite the pickle I got myself into! It seems like a long time ago, and yet recently enough where the time between seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye.
I've been told that time flies as you get older and I have to say, I'm finding that quite true. While not blogging, I've managed to get a lot done. I'm actually current in my Project Life/Scrapbooking. That's in large part, because I got hurt and couldn't do very much of anything but sit around.
Then once I was better, any extra time was spent playing catch up with all the tasks, projects, and work around the house that had gotten neglected while doing physical therapy and recovering.
So without dragging this out too much, I decided to come back into blogging by sharing what I love most...memory keeping.
Last weekend, we took our little guy to see Thomas the Train, he's now four and I was hoping we could get away without going but no. He definitely want to go see his favorite pal from the island of Sodor again.
Page Details:
I'm so far behind in sharing my Project Life pages that this is actually the page from LAST year's visit, when my little nugget was three. His sister was sick so she she stayed with a sitter at home while he got to experience a little only child outing. Needless to say, he loved it and documented it with some Slate Core Kit (printed kit discontinued, digital version available here) and fancied up a couple pictures with Just Add Color Overlays (digital version available here) and a few stickers. It was an easy peasy page.
Hope you've all been able to make time for creativity and indulging in some me time:) If not, hopefully soon! {{Hugs}}

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