I have been a fan of Denise Austin's for a long time, I remember exercising with her and my friends, by watching her television workouts. I also lost weight with her before, using another of her great books. Now that's I'm older and have had a child, I need more help, and who better to turn too!

From Denise Austin comes the perfect health book for anyone who wants to live better but just can't seem to find the time. Much more than just another exercise book, Denise's Daily Dozen covers a whole range of health and diet related concepts yet manages it all in a no-stress, time-conscious program of 12's. At it's core, this book contains the minimum daily requirements to keep the reader flexible, strong and trim. Organized simply into seven chapters, which equal the seven days of the week, it covers a full week in daily allotments. Each day will have it's own focus from Monday being "fat burning day" to Sunday's "recharge and rejuvenate."
Denise has created a total body program, including a 7-day balanced meal plan that includes healthy recipes, and a workout that encompasses 12 exercises done in 12 minutes each day. Everyone can take just 12 minutes, at whatever time of the day works for them, and turn it over to these simple and fun exercises. Cardio, toning, yoga and breathing exercises...they're all here but in a way the maximizes effect while minimizing time.
Beyond a dozen exercises for each day of the week this book will include many other of Denise's dozens for each day.

My Review:
As usual Denise's unfailing cheerfulness and you can do it attitude is all over this book. From the first moment you feel like you've got the peppiest cheerleader on your side. The thing I've always liked about Denise is her ability to breaks things down, into doable increments, usually 12 in this case.
Yes there are twelve exercises that take twelve minutes to do per day, but a need to be active is still stressed in Part One. It's not just twelve minutes per day, doing the exercises for each day. You also have "Your Weekly Dozen Miles" i.e. cardio, a thirty minute interval program is then outlined.
The main part of the program is outlined in the second part and divided by day. Meaning that in Monday's section first you see the 12 daily exercises, followed by week 1's menu, then week 2's, etc. This was both good and bad for me. It's great to have a variety of exercises to do each day, you don't repeat a workout during the week, so you don't get bored.
While it definitely made sense to organize the program by day, it meant that when I was trying to get a feel for the program I had to do a lot of flipping around. Plus it made it confusing for me to make the shopping list. A by week shopping menu is at the end of the book, but I do not eat fish and some of the fruit used is not very good and/or expensive out of season. I made modifications for it to work for me, and ended up writing down the ingredients for the wrong week's meal on Tuesday.
So learn from me and use sticky notes to mark you place on each day. I'll also point out that you'll need to adjust the recipes to reflect your family members too, if they'll be eating the meals, like dinners. Recipes are written for one.
I am very excited to start Denise's Daily Dozen again one week from today, going to give myself a little longer to get completely better. In the meantime, I'll be using the quick and helpful extras, that you can start doing the day you get the book. The "Twelve Favorite Fidgit-cisers" are my favorite and include ways to add exercise during down time, like waiting for your toast to be ready or while sitting on the coach during commerical breaks.
I can also get even more tips from Denise by following her on Twitter and becoming her fan on Facebook. If you've got a few pounds to loose and want to give your lifestyle a jumpstart this year, pick up Denise's Daily Dozen.
5 of my readers will win a copy of Denise Austin's new book, Denise's Daily Dozen.
To Enter:
Tell me your biggest challenge that prevents you from reaching your weight loss or healthy lifestyle goals.
Extra Entries:
- Publically follow my blog using Google Friends Connect.
- Post my link button.
- Fan me on Facebook.
- Follow me on Twitter, tweet about this giveaway and include @KTnestingspot in it.
Disclosure: Thank you to Hachette Book Group for the reviewer's and giveaway copies of this title. This review relates my own personal opinion and experiences with Denise's Daily Dozen and yours may differ.
41 Friends Said:
My biggest challenges that prevent me from reaching my weight loss goals are:
I don't like exercise
I don't like to sweat
I don't have anyone to "push" me
Do I have a chance? =(
I follow you publicly (Gonna Be His Mrs) It's a different pic than this one. It's me and my hunny. =)
My blog site is:
I just started following you on Twitter (luv2luv226Bride) and just tweeted! =)
My biggest obstacle is finding time to exercise with a new baby.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Follow you publicly on google friend connect.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Follow you on Twitter and tweeted:
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I could use some of her can do cheerfulness for sure!
My biggest obstacle is that I make time for lots of things, but rarely for exercising...plus my pesky little addiction to chocolate chips!
Sometime could you help me figure out how to get the cute little bar of hearts with the twitter icon and such. I've been fussing with it, but haven't done it right.
I follow KTs Nesting Spot:)
I have your blog button in my side bar too.
Look at you with the FB fan page...fancy!
I am a follower with my new blog now! Also, I posted your button om my blog. What keeps me from a healthy lifestyle? Me, myself and I add to it also a lack of motivation.
My biggest challenge is getting up early to get motivated, my daughter cause shes up early and very busy. amypugmire@live.com
follow on twitter and tweeted. amypugmire@live.com
My biggest challenge to weight-loss is me. I tend to exercise in little bursts for a few days and the slack off again.
I follow your blog.
I'm a Facebook fan.
I have a weakness for snacky items. I love chips and popcorn, hot tamales and junior mints. Luckily I love breaking a good sweat, so it mainly keeps me in check.
Thanks for the giveaway!
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
My biggest challenge is time... can we have more of that??? :)
I love Denise Austin too!! 2001 she helped me lose weight after Lindsey!!
Now though...I am sucking at the weight loss. My problem right now is motivating myself. You think I would get moving after my chest pains New Years weekend. But noooooo.
Hope you are feeling better. Me, my nose is just giving me a problem.
I am following you!
I fanned ya!!
I have your button!
Add me in the drawling please. You know I follow you! :-D
I would love this book. One of my biggest challenges is trying to find time to workout with a 2yo DD always at my feet. If it's not trying to find time, it's trying to workout around/with her - which can pose to be quite a challenge.
I fanned you on Facebook. :0)
Following on Twitter.
Tweeted the giveaway. :0)
My biggest challenge is staying away from snacks between meals.
I just became a follower of your blog.
My biggest challenge is simply finding the time to get in my workouts!
Following your blog!
Fanned you on Facebook...Michelle Martel
I also have your button on my blog!
Thanks...this would be a great book to win!
My biggest challange is laziness. I'm working on it though!
I follow with Google Friends Connect.
Thanks for this giveaway. Staying consistent and motivated by aschieving results is always difficult. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Finding the time to exercise is my biggest problem.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I also have trouble finding time to exercise. One of the kids always has to go somewhere.
I really don't like to exercise. Kinda hard to lose weight & be fit if you don't exercise. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Following you on twitter & tweeted
My biggest challenge seems to be boredom. I get bored easily with workouts and I need something that is fun to motivate me. Thanks for the giveaway!
Following your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect. Thanks!
I am a fan on Facebook. Thanks!
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