I've been swamped with working on the memory books for my daughter's preschool class. Twenty pages each for eleven kids with only one other person helping...I am stressed! While I catch up on some things, get ready for sharing some more crafty goodness and the aforementioned book & craft project...check out the new look we've been working on at ABC & 123.
In the meantime, I'd love it if you entered to win this cool giveaway and get your car ready for road trip season!

With the informative Web site http://www.motoroilmatters.org/ (created by the maker of industry-leading brands Pennzoil and Quaker State) you can easily locate key information about how quality motor oils can help prolong your engine’s life and improve overall efficiency, as well as help answer other questions you may have about motor oil. In addition, the site offers a fun, educational game for you to play called “M.O.M. Knows Best” where you can put your motor mind to the test with an interactive quiz.
Did you know?
- According to a recent survey from the Automotive Service Association, more than 54 percent of customers who take their vehicles for service and repair are women
- Using a high-quality motor oil in the right grade can help maximize fuel economy
- Low-quality oils that do not meet industry standards or the vehicle manufacturer’s requirements could cost consumers in the long run by potentially damaging the vehicle’s engine or possibly voiding the manufacturer’s warranty
- Another reason to look to a high-quality motor oil – like Pennzoil and Quaker State - is that it is designed to meet the demands of today’s engines
Win $35 Jiffy Lube gift card which will cover most of the cost, if not all, of a conventional oil change at most Jiffy Lube locations!
To Enter:
Tell me what you found most interesting on the Motor Oil Matters site.
For Extra Entries: {leave an extra comment for each}
- Take the M.O.M. Knows Best Interactive Quiz on their website and tell me your score.
- Tell me which answer in the tips and advice section you found the most helpful.
- Publically follow my blog using Google Friends Connect.
- Post, link to, and/or follow me on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway. Leave me links to where I can verify your entry.
- Post my link button.
- Subcribe to my blog via email.
- Fan me on Facebook, post a comment or reply on there.
- Join my Blog Frog Community and reply to a forum discussion.
Open to US residents through April 30th midnight EST.
Disclosure: MotorOilMatters.org and Shell Lubricants provided me with the gift card and information through MyBlogSpark.
27 Friends Said:
I found out that we will never buy generic motor oil!
I follow you!
I earned 100%! (80pts) (I did guess at one or two, but took educated guesses.)
That I am not a sever driver.
I follow
I should be more consistent in my oil changes, and pay more attention to it.
I'm a fan on FB, and I totally want to win this so I can get a free oil change before our big trip this summer!
I found out that there are different grades of motor oil, and it's important to use a good one.
I follow via GFC.
I subscribe via email.
W stands for winter not weight in motor oils :)
I got a 100%/70 points on the quiz
I follow on friend connect
fanned on FB
subscribe via email :)
Joined your blogfrog community and left a reply on spring crafts :)
I learned that changing your oil regularly removes dirt and contaminants from the engine.
e-mail subscriber
fanbook fan
The W stands for winter, not weight! ☺
tweet tweet- http://twitter.com/FantasticFind/statuses/12519589867
I of course am a blogfrog follower and I replied to a forum! ♥
Being up-to-date on my oil changes is something I need to keep track of more regularly. I always assumed I just needed to change every few months, but I never thought of actually checking the vehicle manual for the exact timing.
I follow via GFC
I tweeted!
I scored 60 points on the MOM quiz. Yay, I passed!
I found this tip to be most helpful:
Looking for the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) Starburst on the bottle to find quality oil.
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