Yesterday we celebrated my mom's 60
th birthday with a special ladies day; two of her dearest and longtime friends as well as her sister Barb joined us for an afternoon touring a museum, lunch, and shopping.

I know it meant a lot to my mom that everyone took time out of their very busy lives to make her feel special. The day was filled with lots of laughter and good conversation. The
museum exhibits were interesting, especially one of all these sweaters with political sayings on them. I didn't realize until after I was home that I
could've taken pictures of them, with my flash off, or I'd have shared some with you. They certainly do make you pause and notice them.

My mom and my Godmother Annemarie, in front of one of our favorite antique shops. I can remember going there with my parents when I was younger too. Annemarie is the most familiar with the area, as it's her
Alma mater.

After the
museum we ate at a restaurant specializing in Cuban fare. The ladies all enjoyed a little sangria and agreed that the vegetarian Cuban sandwich was delicious. There was lively music playing that gave it a party atmosphere. It was really nice for my mom to get to socialize and relax with one of her little sisters, that's my Aunt Barb above and to the left.

Our group of ladies who lunch: Barb, Fran, Ro, Katie, and Annemarie. After we finished eating we were all pretty full and planned on doing some window shopping but...

When we came across the cupcake shop on our travels, we just had to peek inside. Greeted by the sweet smell of
butter cream, we didn't even try to resist! My mom had scoped out this place online, the owner's been on the Food Network and made cakes for Kid Rock. Fran and Mom both enjoyed their yummy bites of
confectionery heaven. I did too; I have to say it might just have been the best cupcake I have ever had in my entire life. Seriously, it was THAT good. Good thing we walked a lot afterward to burn it off!

I had a great time Mom with you and your friends! It was fun to have a ladies day out on the town. I hope this day to celebrate you was special! Happy 60
th birthday, I love you ♥
6 Friends Said:
That was a great idea "ladies out". Glad everyone had a great time.
Have a nice week.
I'm so glad you posted about your special day so we could see what you were up to. I think this was such a special way to celebrate your mom's birthday and I bet she loved it.
YES! It was GREAT FUN! Thank you, my darling daughter, for helping to make it so special, even providing a gift bag for all of the attendees (pretty purple notes and notepads). Let's make it a yearly event - celebrating SOMEONE's birthday - doesn't matter who!
how sweet! i found a SINFULLY yummy cupcake shop in Ohio!! YUM!!!!
What great day!!!! Im glad the weather held out for your day.
I miss Ann Arbor sooo much & have had the cakes. Hailey actually found them first on Food Network...yup the then 6 year old.
I leave for SC in less than 3 weeks!!!!
Oh Katie, this was very special! (I wish that I could take my mom on a birthday event... We were always too far -hubby was military-)
So, it was wonderful to see that you all enjoyed such a special day :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
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