If Nichol hadn't already given this one to me, I'd have had to give it to her. I've been meaning to give her a shout out because she is the sweetest thing; so helpful and kind enough to answer the myriad of questions I've had for her. I've had a lot, and she's very patient, passing along her blogging expertise and answering them all.
Here are some blogs that make me laugh and/or smile:
Two Friends I like to Pop In At:
Valerie's Frugal Family Fun Blog: This was one of the very first blogs I started following and from the very start I knew I had found a great resource for cool and inexpensive ways to entertain and spend time with my daughter. Valerie comes up with great craft ideas all the time that leave me thinking, now why didn't I think of that, like this DIY sticker book☺
Tara at Keeping Up with the Kelly's: From one of the oldest blogs to one of the newest blogs I read, comes this gem I found via the first McLinky Blog Hop! Tara keeps me in stitches with her humorous observations and stories. Reading her posts often make me think, OMG I was thinking the same thing, like her recent one of Random Thoughts While Watching TV☺
Two Crafty Blogs:
{That I like to read wistfully...and dream about all the crafting I could be doing if these dishes and dirty clothes would just wash themselves}
Molly Chicken: Because I need one of these, seriously we could all use a love bird couldn't we? And a Hedgehog and a Mousey and Panda and...more excuses to play with cute softies and loveys☺
Allsorts: A bright and colorful world filled with Dolly Pops, cute and doable freebies to make your home cuter, and even some computer fun for your kiddies☺
and for the last one I will spotlight one of the favorite famous bloggers I read voraciously:
Posie Gets Cozy: Filled with lovely photographs and delightful writing, Alicia's blog like eye candy for my soul. I have her book; I love it. I want to live in her world among all that delicious fabric☺
10 Friends Said:
Congrats on the award!! You certainly deserve it! I'll be visiting the blogs you mentioned sometime today (either during naptime or bedtime! LOL)
~ Jennifer
Congrats on your award! Very cool!
Wow! Thank you so much!! And congrats to you too.
And... I love the new look!! Wow! I've been thinking of updating mine too and now I'm totally inspired.
I'm off to check out these other blogs... fun!
Katie, thank you for the blog award. I have already posted it in my scroll. You certainly have a lovely blog and deserve all the awards you've received. Also, thanks for the info. on the giveaways..you are so helpful.
I am checking out the blogs you put up too! And they are fun!!
Yep, there is no doubt you deserve this award!! Congrats!!
Congrats on the award! Wow I have been away too long, your new blog look is absolutely perfect..love it!
wow, fancy schmancy blog!! i am a follower again... i lost all the blogs i follow on my page too!! WTH??? this is making me very mad!!
You deserve it and I love helping so ask anything I will always help:)
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