Monday, October 19, 2009

Postcard Giveaway from UPrinting! 2 Winners!!!

With Christmas around the corner and postage prices continuously on the rise, a great alternative would be send personalized photo postcards for your Christmas cards this year. Two winners will each receive 100 4X6, 14pt glossy cardstock, full color postcards from my blog sponsor UPrinting. The best part, in my opinion? Both sides are FULL color!
So how might I use 100 postcards from UPrinting? Here's a Christmas postcard I designed using last year's holiday picture.
What I really like is that the holiday message can be preprinted on one side and since it's full color I was free to design it and even include another picture. I added the signature part for in this post, but I'd leave it blank on the real postcard. A real one is always best, in my opinion, and adds a personal touch. Before this year, I always included a holiday letter too, but since I now blog I decided to direct my family and friends this way. No one needs has to wait for a once yearly letter to hear about what we're up to.
You can now get UPrinting postcards in sets as small as 50, making these a great choice for at the holidays, birth announcements - ER from her first formal picture session above, change of address notice, save the date, and even thank you cards. Just leave the message blank on the back side of the card and hand write in your own message. You can still add a design and give it your own flair.

With a set of envelopes they would make great flat correspondance cards, with a design or photo on one side and large area to write on the back. A set of postcards would be great promotional material, even if you never plan to mail them. A small business could use them as larger versions of their business card and showcase more of their products on it. What a nice way to spread the word about your business, have them set out at your booth at shows or on the counter at your store so customers can remember how to contact you.

There are lots of ways to use custom printed 2-sided full color postcards! 2 of my lucky readers will get to try them out for themselves! Each will win: 100 4X6 postcards, printed on 14pt cardstock gloss paper, with full color on both sides!

Enter: 2 WINNERS!!!
Tell me how you'd use your set of 100 custom printed postcards from UPrinting. Please note that all 100 would need to be of the same design.

Extra Entries: please leave a seperate comment for each additional entry
  • Publically follow my blog.
  • Post my link button.
  • Post about this giveaway, linking to this post and UPrinting, leave me the direct link in your comments.
  • Follow me on Twitter, tweet about this giveaway and leave me a link to your tweet.
Giveaway open now through October 26th midnight EST and must respond to my email by October 28th noon EST as I must contact the sponsor by the 29th with the winners email address. A valid email address must be provided in order to win. Open to US residents, with free shipping included, and Canadians willing to pay shipping and taxes.

Disclaimer: Thank you to my sponsor UPrinting for providing the giveaway product and giving me a set for hosting this giveaway on my blog.

26 Friends Said:

Unknown said...

I would start with using them for postcards, and I would probably use the rest for personalized thank you cards. What a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I follow your blog.

Unknown said...

I posted your button on my blog.

The Activity Mom said...

Oh how exciting! I would use 50 of them for Christmas cards and 50 of them for birth announcements in January!

Unknown said...

I posted it on my blog here:

Annette W. said...

I'd be excited to make a Christmas postcard!

Courtney said...

Definitely Christmas cards! Those get expensive! :)

Courtney said...

I follow you! :)

Mama King said...

I just help found an adult adoptee group and would use it for promoting our group.

Mama King said...

I follow faithfully!

Mama King said...

Have your button.

Anonymous said...
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Katie said...

Love the double sided postcards! I'd like to do my Christmas cards this way and I like that it's a more manageable number to send than 250.

Katie said...

I follow your blog

Katie said...

I also have your cute blog button on my own blog.

Katie said...

susan said...

I would use them in my family child care with my children so they could send postcards to family members. Susan

kbloems27 said...

I would probably use them for my holiday cards!! But it's so hard to choose!

kbloems27 said...

I follow your blog!

Luv to Save said...

I would use it for birth announcement! Just had a baby last week.
luvtosave at

Luv to Save said...

blog follower as ethel
luvtosave at

Luv to Save said...

twitter follower and tweeted
luvtosave at

teachablemoment said...

Hi and thanks for this great giveaway! I would use them for cards to send out for Christmas or for my etsy business. They would be perfect! Thanks for the chance!

Dawn said...

I would use these as personalized thank you's from our family.

Dawn said...

I'm a follower!

teachablemoment said...

I think I forgot to leave my email address


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