Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Valentine's Ideas

Last year I was inspired by Valentine's Day to do all sort of projects. Here are the hightlights, in case you missed them.

Home Decor:
Heart Valentine Countdown: With 14 little pockets to record ways you love someone special or for a little treat.
Button Pillow: Use up your craft stash and make a unique one of a kind symbol of love.

Gifts for Your Little Sweethearts:
Felt Cookies: A simple idea that if you overlook my wobbily sewing is still a fun addition to any play kitchen. We packaged ours up in cute Chinese Take-Out style boxes from the craft store for giving.
Initial Pendant: A sweet little felt necklace and very easy to make.
Toddler Cuff: A fun velcro and ribbon accessory, that little hands can put on and off by themselves.
Felt Clutch Gift Bags: A fun way to package treats, including simple to make matchbox style notebooks.

A lot of these fun treats we gave away at our Valentine Playdate.

Felt Kleenex Tissue Holders: A quick and simple handmade gesture for a teacher, they made a lovely gift along with some hand sanitizer and hot chocolate: a winter survival kit for the teachers.
Mommy and Me Valentines: A great way to use up all the paintings your kids make, with a handmade and personal touch by mom too.
Heart Valentine: One of my very favorite handmade notes from me to my friends and family.

Don't forget the new additions this year: Altered Starbucks Bottles and Drink Caddy, Paper Mosaic Heart Valentines and the larger version of the same craft a Heart for Great Grandma.

We'll be in Disney World for Valentine's this year, weather permitting - please please please let the weather be good so we can make the drive there, so we haven't done as much this time around. But I miss it, it's one of my favorite times to create, after all isn't love a wonderful thing to celebrate? I'm sure next year I'll be back covered in glitter and pink paper scraps☺

Shared on: Show & Tell at Blue Cricket Designs and

17 Friends Said:

Kelli said...

Those thing are adorable. I love the countdown calendar and the pendant!

Missy said...

Katie, your projects are so cute.I love all the felt. Valentines projects are so fun.

Katie @ Favorites and Things said...

Cute Crafts! I need to make more Valentines crafts, they are so fun!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Oooo, I love the cuff, and cookies, and necklace...okay, okay I love it all...lol

Anonymous said...

Adorable as always I love all the ideas I get here!

Danielle @ Transforming Home said...

What wonderful ideas! I especially love the Valentine countdown - I have never seen one before. I am too focused on my twins' big boy room this year to do any Valentine's Day crafting, but definitely next year. I will have to bookmark these projects...
Thanks so much for visiting my blog - I'm glad you did, because now I found yours!

Sherri @ Dude I Made It said...

I love the pillow and countdown! So festive!!

Ticia said...

That so wouldn't put a dent in my button stash...... Not even my reds, I bought way too many for a project and have 2 baby food jars full of red buttons.

So Sunny Day said...

wow! everything just inspires me to try new felt crafts :)

you are so talented!

~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

What fun projects Katie! I am amazed by all of your creativity!!! So fun!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the heart pillow. So do-able with the buttons.

MaryAnne said...

These are so cute, and you had so many great ideas! I think the countdown is my favorite. =)

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Katie, you are so talented.

Have fun at Disney World, I am so darn jealous! ...lol

gina said...

Love the advent calendar- this is the second post I've read about counting down to Valentine's day with the kids- I'm loving that idea!!

ps. I use the girls paintings for things like that too- feels better than throwing them out and we sure can't SAVE everything. :)

Vickie said...

Yes! I remember! The button pillow is my favorite!!

***Sharon*** said...

I'm drooling all over my keyboard at all your wonderful ideas!!!

Sarah said...

WOW, I'm totally in love with all your fabulous ideas!
God's blessings,
Sarah :D

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